Sunday May 23,
Ballroom III |
Ceremony Chair:
George Papavassiliou, Chair of the Organising Committee of
FIG 2004Welcome Greetings
George Papavassiliou, Chair of Local Organizing Committee
(LOC): Welcome
Yannis Alavanos, President of Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG):
Welcome Address
Polychronis Akritidis, President of Hellenic Association of
Rural and Surveying Engineers (HARSE)
Prof. Gerhard Beutler, President of the International
Association of Geodesy (IAG)
Prof. Milan Konecny, President of the International
Cartographic Association (ICA)
- Handouts of .ppt-presentation
Keynote presentations
Invited keynote speaker: Mr. Stavros Benos, Surveying
Engineer, Member of the Hellenic Parliament, former Minister of
Mr. Themistoklis Xanthopoulos, Deputy Minister of
Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Magel, President of FIG:
Breathing the Olympic Spirit - The Mission of FIG in the 21st Century
- Handouts of .ppt-presentation
Opening of the Working Week & Technical Conference
Monday May 24,
Aphrodite |
PS1 Plenary
Session 1 - Geodesy and Space Technology Chair: T. N. Wong, Vice President of FIG
Rapporteur: Matt Higgins, Chair of FIG Commission 5PS1.1 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Beutler, President
of IAG: Revolution in Geodesy and Surveying
PS1.2 Ms. Takemi Chiku, Chief, Committee Services and
Research, United
Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UN OOSA): The United Nations
Office for Outer Space Affairs - Building Capacity of Developing
Countries in Using Space Technology for Sustainable Development
- Handouts of .ppt-presentation |
Omega |
TS 1 – Good Practices in Land
Administration and Cadastre
Commission: 7
Chair: Paul van der Molen (Netherlands)
Rapporteur: Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands)
Introduction papers
TS1.1 Jürg Kaufmann and Daniel Steudler
(Switzerland): Cadastre 2014 – Review of Status in 2004
- Handouts of
TS1.2 Daniel Steudler (Switzerland), Ian P. Williamson
and Abbas Rajabifard (Australia) and Stig Enemark (Denmark):
Cadastral Template Project
- Handouts of
Case studies
TS1.3 Nabil Bounajma (Morocco):
Moroccan Cadastre: Unique
- Handouts of
TS1.4 Jørgen Skrubbeltrang (Denmark):
Danish Multipurpose
Cadastre – Experiences so far
- Handouts of
TS1.5 Francis Gabele and Marc Vanderschueren
(Belgium): A Better Knowledge for the Partners of the Belgian Cadastre
- Handouts
of .ppt-presentation
TS1.6 Joseph Forrai, Sarit Murkes, Larisa
Voznesensky and Michael Klebanov (Israel):
Development of a Better Cadastral Practice
at the Survey of Israel
TS1.7 Ivan Pesl (†), Jiri Rydval and Vaclav Slaboch
(Czech Republic): Free Internet Access to Cadastral Data – First
Experience in the Czech Republic
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation |
TS 2 – NSDI’s Development
Commission: 3
Chair: Robin McLaren (United Kingdom)
Rapporteur: Yerach Doytcher (Israel)
Introduction papers
TS2.1 Rudolf W. Matindas, Puntodewo and Bebas Purnawan
(Indonesia): Development of National Spatial Data Infrastructure in
- Handouts of
TS2.2 Frank Gielsdorf, Lothar Gründig and Bernd Aschoff
(Germany): Positional Accuracy Improvement – A Necessary Tool for
Updating and Integration of GIS Data
- Handouts of
TS2.3 Stipica Pavičić, Mladen Rapaić and Slavko
Lemajić (Croatia):
Topographic Data Production as Basis for NSDI –
Croatian Example
- Handouts of
Case studies
TS2.4 Giuseppe Rando (Italy):
Introduction of Automatic
Procedures in the System of the Mutual Recognition of Professional
TS2.5 Peter C. Nwilo and D. A. Osanwuta (Nigeria):
National Spatial Data Infrastructure for Nigeria: Issues to Be
Considered. This
paper has not been presented in the conference.
TS2.6 Ranjan Mallick (India):
Development of Spatial and
Attribute Database for Planning and Managing Rural Service Centers, in
Kendrapara District, Orissa, India: A GIS Based Information. This
paper has not been presented in the conference. |
Lamda |
TS 3 – Standards, Quality Assurance
and Calibration
Commission: 5
Chair: Rudolf Staiger (Germany)
Rapporteur: Rob Sarib (Australia)Introduction papers
TS3.1 Iain Greenway (Ireland):
Standards and Surveyors - A
Continuing Odyssey
- Handouts of
TS3.2 Elmar Lenz (Germany):
Network Transport of RTCM via
Internet Protocol (NTRIP) – Application and Benefit in Modern
Surveying Systems
- Handouts of
Case studies
TS3.3 Theodora Marinoy, John Boretos, Stella
Pytharouli and Stathis Stiros (Greece):
Quality Control of
Sidewalk Pavements Based on Total Station Surveys
- Handouts of
TS3.4 Εvangelia Lambrou and George Pantazis (Greece):
Accurate Orientation of the Gyroscope’s Calibration System
- Handouts of
TS3.5 Mikko Takalo and Paavo Rouhiainen (Finland):
Longer than 100 m Sightings with the Zeiss DiNi12 Digital Level
- Handouts of
TS3.6 Ľubomír Ondriš, Štefan Lukáč, Viktor Rusina, Ján Buzási
and Dušan Krušinský (Slovak Republic):
The Optoelectronic
Systems for Vertical Deformations and Tilt Measurement of Objects and
Technological Equipment
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation |
Theta/Sigma |
TS 4 – Profession – In the Past and
Commission: 1
Chair: Volkmar Teetzmann (Germany)
Rapporteur: Michael Keller (Switzerland)
TS4.1 Joseph Forrai, Gili Kirschner, Michael
Klebanov and Rozet Shaked (Israel):
Classification of
Licensed Surveyors
TS4.2 Francis Gabele and Marc Vanderschueren
(Belgium): The Private Surveyor - Privileged Partner of the Belgian
TS4.3 Steponas Deveikis, Jurga Naimavičiené and
Inga Sodaityté (Lithuania):
Cultural Heritage
Inventory in Lithuania – Role of the Surveyor’s
TS4.4 W. P. (Paddy) Prendergast (Ireland):
Ireland's Surveying
Infrastructure for the 21st Century
TS4.5 Paul Watson, Richard Davis and Neil Hanney (United Kingdom):
Professional Development and Team Integration |
Delta |
Workshop – Network on
Underrepresented Groups in Surveying
Commission: Commission 1 WG 1.5
Chair: Gabriele Dasse (Germany)
Rapporteur: Boo Lilje (Sweden)WSUG1.1. Eleni Tziortzioti and
Anna Karagiannaki
(Greece): The Women in Greece - Working and Developing the Surveying
WSUG1.2. Gabriele Dasse (Germany):
Gender Mainstreaming – A
Topic for the Surveying Profession
- Handouts of
WSUG1.3. Ali Buxton, Pat Turrell and Sara
Wilkinson (United Kingdom):
Why Do Women Like Working in Building
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation |
Omega |
TS 5 – Development of Good Land
Administration Organisations I
Commission: 7
Chair: András Osskó (Hungary)
Rapporteur: Winfried Hawerk (Germany)
Introduction papers
TS5.1 Leonie Newnham (Australia):
Managing Change
Successfully in Land Management Organisations
- Handouts of
TS5.2 Jerry Johnson (The Netherlands):
Multi-Purpose Cadastre Based on FIG Cadastre 2014
- Handouts of .ppt-presentation
Case studies
TS5.3 Murat Meha, Hyzri Llabjani and Hajzer
Bublaku (Kosovo): Development of Cadastre and Land Management in
- Handouts of
TS5.4 András Osskó (Hungary):
Results of Central European
Land Knowledge Center (CELK) Activities
- Handouts of
TS5.5 Paul van der Molen (The Netherlands):
Some Micro
Economic Aspects of Land Ownership
- Handouts of
TS5.6 David Mitchell, Ron Grenfell and Keith C.
Bell (Australia): Investigating the Benefits of Land
Administration Information to Natural Resource Management
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS5.7 Edward E. Duncan and Peter E. Baffoe (Ghana):
Status of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Mining Organisations
in Ghana. This
paper has not been presented in the conference. |
TS 6 – NSDI and Data Distribution
Commission: 3
Chair: Robert W. Foster (USA)
Rapporteur: Chryssy Potsiou (Greece)
TS6.1 Paul Kelly (Australia):
A Modern Odyssey in Search
of Relevance
- Handouts of .ppt-presentation
TS6.2 Mario Alberto Reyes Ibarra (Mexico):
The Mexican
Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDEMEX) - A Tool for Development
- Handouts of
TS6.3 Panayiotis Andrea Panayiotou (Cyprus):
Governance for the Lands and Surveys Department in Cyprus. This
paper has not been presented in the conference.
TS6.4 Ayse Yavuz and Cemal Biyik (Turkey):
Public-Private Partnership in Cadastre: The Case of Turkey and the EU
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS6.5 Alon Lichtenstein and Yerach Doytsher
(Israel): Geospatial Aspects in Merging DTM with Breaklines
- Handouts
of .ppt-presentation |
Lamda |
TS 7 – Reference Frame in Practice
Commission: 5
Chair: Michel Kasser (France)
Rapporteur: Georgia Fotopoulus (Canada)Introduction papers
TS7.1 Mikael Lilje (Sweden):
Changing the Geodetic
- Handouts of
TS7.2 Christiana Mitsakaki (Greece):
Coordinate Transformations
- Handouts of
Case studies
TS7.3 Bihter Erol and Rahmi Nurhan Çelik (Turkey):
Precise Local Geoid Determination to Make GPS Technique More Effective
in Practical Applications of Geodesy
- Handouts of
TS7.4 Antonio Hernandez Navarro (Mexico):
The Submetric
Geoid of Mexico
- Handouts of
TS7.5 Jan Kostelecky and Jan Pytel (Czech Republic):
Modern Geodetic Control in the Czech Republic Based on the
Densification of EUREF Network
- Handouts of
TS7.6 Otakar Švábenský and Josef Weigel (Czech
Republic): Optimized Technology for GPS Height Determination
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS7.7 A. V. Gorbov, N. A. Gusev and N. L. Makarenko
(Russian Federation): Some Experience in Gravity Time Variation
Studies TS7.8 Octavian Roman (Romania):
Ways of Determining the Orthometric
Using GPS Technologies. This paper has not been presented in the
conference. |
Theta/Sigma |
TS 8 – Bridge for the Next
Commission: 1 and 2
Chair: Klaus Rürup (Germany)
Rapporteur: Esben Munk Sørensen (Denmark)
TS8.1 G. K. (Ken) Allred and Lyall Pratt (Canada):
Practice Review - The Professional Coach
TS8.2 Linnéa Lindqvist and Jennie Nilsson (Sweden):
How to Get More Students Involved in FIG
TS8.3 Lina Björk and Sofia Iderheim (Sweden):
Teaching Based on Projects
TS8.4 Esben Munk Sørensen (Denmark):
Technology in Learning Environment for Surveyors |
Delta |
Workshop – History
of Surveying and Measurement
WSHS1 – History of Surveying and Measurement
Commission: International Institution for the History of Surveying and
Chair: Jan de Graeve, Belgium
Rapporteur: James Smith, United Kingdom
WSHS1.1 Dieter Lelgemann (Germany):
On the Ancient
Determination of the Meridian Length by Eratosthenes of Kyrene
WSHS1.2 Jan De Graeve (Belgium):
Update of the Struve Arc
Preservation and Monumentation Inscription on the World Heritage List
WSHS1.3 James Smith (United Kingdom):
The Struve Geodetic
Arc and Its Possible Connections to the Arc of the 30th Meridian in
Africa |
Omega |
TS 9 – Development of Good Land
Administration Organisations II
Commission: 7
Chair: Winfried Hawerk (Germany)
Rapporteur: András Osskó (Hungary)
Introduction papers
TS9.1 Arvo Kokkonen (Finland):
The Development Strategy for
Cadastre and Land Register in Finland
- Handouts of
TS9.2 John Badekas (Greece):
Lessons Learned from a Big
Cadastral Project
- Handouts of
Case studies
TS9.3 Panos Lolonis (Greece):
Estimation of the Number of
Rights on Properties at the Community, Regional and National Levels
in Greece and Their Use in Planning and Decision-making for the
Development of the Hellenic Cadastre
- Handouts of
TS9.4 Osman Demir, Bayram Uzun and Ayse Yavuz
(Turkey): A General Approach for Cost Recovery of the Cadastral
Products in Turkey. This
paper has not been presented in the conference.
TS9.5 Marina Vaskovich (Belarus):
Simplification of Land
Tenure in Belarus – Way to Good Land Administration
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS9.6 Ioan Stangu, Maria Contoman, Alexandrina
Zaharia, Octavian Roman, Mugurel Enache and
Mariana Ravdan (Romania):
Cadastre - Lasting Development and
Environment Protection. This
paper has not been presented in the conference. |
TS10 - Geoinformation for the Public
Commission: 3
Chair: Paul Kelly (Australia)
Rapporteur: Bela Markus (Hungary)
TS10.1 Winnie Shiu (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Internet Maps for the
Community in Hong Kong
TS10.2 Thorben Hansen and Jens Hollænder (Denmark):
“The Map Supply” – A New Way of Providing a National Geodata
- Handouts of
TS10.3 Reinfried Mansberger and Gerhard Muggenhuber
(Austria): Geo-Data Infrastructure for Land Management in Austria
- Handouts
of .ppt-presentation
TS10.4 Teresa Laranjeira and Vanda Franca
(Portugal): Digital Library of Portuguese Urban Cartography: An
Example of a Public Information System
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS10.5 El Hassane Semlali, Moha El Ayachi and
Imadeddine Bazzi (Morocco):
A Geospatial Website for Consulting
Geographical Information in Casablanca City
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS10.6 Shattri Mansor, Mohammed Abu Shariah, Lawal Billa, Iwan
Setiawan and Fisal Jabar (Malaysia):
Spatial Technology for
Risk Management. This paper has not been presented in the conference. |
Lamda |
TS11 - Positioning and Measurement
Technologies and Practices I – GNSS Networks
Commission: 5
Chair: Matt Higgins (Australia)
Rapporteur: Mikael Lilje (Sweden)Introduction papers
TS11.1 Georgi Milev (Bulgaria), Gerd Rosenthal
(Germany) and Keranka Vassileva (Bulgaria):
European Position
Determination System (EUPOS)
- Handouts of
TS11.2 Antonio Hernández Navarro (Mexico):
12 Years of the
Mexican National Active Geodetic Network
- Handouts of
TS11.3 Gershon Steinberg and Gilad Even-Tzur
(Israel): A State of the Art National Grid Based on the Permanent GPS
Stations of Israel
- Handouts of
Case studies
TS11.4 Pasi Häkli (Finland):
Practical Test on Accuracy and
Usability of Virtual Reference Station Method in Finland
- Handouts of
TS11.5 Colin Bray and Iain Greenway (Ireland):
The OSi National Network RTK Solution
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS11.6 Yalexy Guerra Castellini and Pedro Luis García
Pérez (Cuba): Actual Stage of Geodesic and Hydrographic Activities
of the Cuban Republic
- Handouts
of .ppt-presentation TS11.7 Dumitru Ghiţău (Romania):
National GPS Network of Romania.
This paper has not been presented in the conference. |
Theta/Sigma |
TS12 - Housing – Costs and Finance
Commission: 10 and 9
Chair: Andrew Morley, United Kingdom
TS12.1 Ari Hiltunen (Finland):
Subject: On the Price
Formation of Single-Family House Properties - An Analysis of Comparable
Sales Prices for Single-Family Houses in Some Regional Areas in
TS12.2 Wafula Nabutola (Kenya):
Affordable Housing - Some
Experiences from Kenya
TS12.3 Andrew W Morley (United Kingdom):
Development and
Continuous Improvement of Construction Procurement Using Private
TS12.4 Tom Kibblewhite and Sara Wilkinson (United
Kingdom): Building Surveying: A UK Phenomenon or a Profession with
Genuine Global Appeal?
TS12.5 Diane Dumashie (United Kingdom): Informal Housing in
East Africa: Lessons Learned from Cross Country Borders
TS12.6 Yaacoub Saade (Lebanon):
Economy of Construction -
Factors of Influence in Managing a Project
- Handouts of .ppt-presentation |
Delta |
Workshop – History
of Surveying and Measurement
WSHS2 – History of Surveying and Measurement
Commission: International Institution for the History of Surveying and
Chair: Jan de Graeve, Belgium
Rapporteur: James Smith, United Kingdom
WSHS2.1 Dieter Lelgemann (Germany):
Recovery of the Ancient
System of Foot/Cubic/Stadion – Length Units
WSHS2.2 John F. Brock (Australia):
Pyramids to Pythagoras:
Surveying from Egypt to Greece - 3000 B.C. to 100 A.D.
- Handouts of .ppt-presentation |
Tuesday May 25,
Aphrodite |
PS2 - Plenary
Session 2 - Risk and Disaster Prevention and Management Chair: Dr.-Ing. Andreas Drees, Vice
President of FIG
Rapporteur: Gerhard Muggenhuber, Chair of FIG Commission 3PS2.1
Prof. Stig Enemark, Aalborg University (Denmark): Integrated
Land and Environmental Management - A Conceptual Approach
- Handouts of .ppt-presentation
PS2.2 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Theo Kötter, University of Bonn
(Germany): Risks and Opportunities of Urbanisation and Megacities |
Omega |
TS13 - Appropriate Technologies for Good
Land Administration I
Commission: 7, 3 and 5
Chair: Daniel Steudler (Switzerland)
Rapporteur: Arvo Kokkonen (Finland)
Introduction papers
TS13.1 Dan Schnurr (United Kingdom):
Review of Existing
Cost Effective Surveying Technologies and Techniques for Developing
- Handouts of
TS13.2 Chryssy Potsiou (Greece) and Peter Woodsford
(United Kingdom): Challenges of Providing Spatial Data to Developing
- Handouts of
Case studies
TS13.3 Martti Pietikäinen (Finland):
From Control Points to VRS – The Development of Using GPS in National Land Survey of Finland
- Handouts of
TS13.4 Apostolos Arvanitis and Eleni Hamilou
(Greece): Modelling Cadastral Transactions in Greece Using UML
- Handouts of
TS13.5 George C. Green IV and Robert W. Snow (USA) and
Tomas Blaha (France):
Low-Cost GPS Survey System Speeds Survey Work in Developing Countries
- Handouts of
TS13.6 Piero Panunzi and Fiorenzo Guaralda (Italy):
New Surveying Metodologies for the Cartographical Updating of
Cadastral Maps and Archives
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS13.7 Mugurel Enache (Romania):
The Stage of Geoinformatic Involvement in
Cadastral Data Management in Romania – Present and Future Tendencies.
This paper has not been presented in the conference. |
TS14 - Spatial Planning for Sustainable
Development – Policies and Tools
Commission: 8 and 7
Chair: Theo Kötter (Germany)
Rapporteur: Spike Boydell (Fiji)
TS14.1 David Mitchell, Michael Buxton and Trevor
Budge (Australia): Assessing the Role of Land Use Planning in
Natural Resource Management
- Handouts of
TS14.2 Efstratios Doukakis (Greece):
The Dilemma of the
Illegibility of State Vision: The Greek Coastal Legislation
- Handouts of
TS14.3 Rainer Müller-Jökel (Germany):
Land Readjustment – A
Win-Win-Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development
TS14.4 Adrianna Pulecka (Poland): Landscape Planning - A
Contribution to the Rural Land Development
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation |
Lamda |
TS15 - Curricula Models
Commission: 2
Chair: Bela Markus (Hungary)
Pedro Cavero (Spain)TS15.1 Boo G Lilje (Sweden):
Survey Education at Lund
Technical Institute – A Success!
TS15.2 Kauko Viitanen (Finland):
Education of Valuers in FIG
– What has been Achieved and how the Work will be Continued
- Handouts of .ppt-presentation
TS15.3 Edward E. Duncan (Ghana):
Geomatics Education in Ghana. This
paper has not been presented in the conference.
Theta/Sigma |
Workshop - Hydro
WSH1 – Hydrography and Charting
Chair: Andrew Leyzack (Canada)
Rapporteur: Adam Greenland (United Kingdom)
WSH1.1 Alexandros Maratos (IHB, Greece):
Current Activities of the IHO
- Handouts of
WSH1.2 Svante Astermo (Sweden):
IHO/FIG/MOU Advisory Board – Quality for Hydrography
- Handouts of
WSH1.3 Anastasios Sklavidis, Athanasios Mavraeidopoulos, Dimitrios Evagelidis and Andreas Michopoulos (Greece):
Role of HNHS in Preparing for the Olympic Games
- Handouts of
WSH1.4 Andrew A. Armstrong, Richard Brennan and Shepard M. Smith
(USA): Implications of the Navigation Surface Approach to Archiving
and Charting Shallow Survey Data
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation |
Omega |
TS16 - Deformation Measurements and
Analysis I
Commission: 6
Chair: Stathis Stiros (Greece)
Michel Mayoud (France)
TS16.1 G W Roberts, X Meng, E Cosser and A
H Dodson (United Kingdom):
The Use of Single Frequency GPS to
Measure the Deformations and Deflections of Structures
- Handouts of
TS16.2 Joël van Cranenbroeck (Belgium) and Neil Brown
(Switzerland): Networking
Motorized Total Stations and GPS Receivers for Deformation
TS16.3 Lior Shahar and Gilad Even-Tzur (Israel):
Vertical Movements in the Carmal Mountain
- Handouts of
TS16.4 Ioannidis D. Doukas, Ioannidis M. Ifadis and Paraskevas Savvaidis
(Greece): Monitoring and Analysis of Ground Subsidence due to Water
Pumping in the Area of Thessaloniki, Hellas
TS16.5 I. Doukas, A. Fotiou, I. M. Ifadis,
K. Katsambalos, K. Lakakis, N. Petridou-Chrysohoidou,
C. Pikridas, D. Rossikopoulos, P. Savvaidis,
K. Tokmakidis and I. N. Tziavos (Greece):
Field Estimation from GPS Measurements in the Volvi Area
- Handouts of
TS16.6 Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, H. Andreas, M. Gamal,
Surono and M. Hendrasto (Indonesia):
On the Use of GPS
Survey Method for Studying Land Displacements on the Landslide Prone
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation |
TS17 - Impact of New Land Law and
Land Reform Law on Good Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Paul van der Molen (Netherlands)
Rapporteur: Daniel Steudler (Switzerland)
TS17.1 Richard Grover and Mia Flores-Bórquez (United
Kingdom): Restitution and Land Markets
- Handouts
of .ppt-presentation
TS17.2 Mick Strack (New Zealand):
Rethinking Property Rights
in New Zealand
- Handouts of
TS17.3 Ann-Katrin Myles (Sweden):
Land Management
Developments in Belize – Midway Observations by an Alien
- Handouts of
TS17.4 Alick. R. Mwanza (Zambia):
White Collar Malpractices in
Cadastral Surveying and Their Effects on Secure Land Tenure and
Sustainable Development
- Handouts of
TS17.5 Emmanuel Tembo and Julian V. Simela
(Botswana): Optimising Land Information Management in Tribal Lands of
- Handouts of
TS17.6 Alexandrina Zaharia (Romania):
The Warranty and Protection of Private
Property in Romania
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation |
Lamda |
TS18 - Usability of Professional
Experiences in Education
Commission: 2
Chair: Pedro Cavero (Spain)
Stig Enemark (Denmark)TS18.1 Bela Markus (Hungary):
Curricula Development in
Bologna Process
- Handouts of
TS18.2 Alojz Kopáčik (Slovakia):
Application of the Bologna
Process in Higher Geodetic Education in Slovakia
- Handouts of
TS18.3 Neil Hanney, Richard Davis and Paul Watson
(United Kingdom): Tariff Entry Requirements for Surveying Degree
Courses in the UK
- Handouts of
TS18.4 Analía Isabel Argerich (Argentina):
The Need to
Strengthen Postgraduate Education in Argentine Surveying
- Handouts of
TS18.5 Peter C. Nwilo and Dennis A. Osanwuta (Nigeria):
Surveying and Geoinformation in Africa: Problems and Prospects. This
paper has not been presented in the conference.
Theta/Sigma |
Workshop - Hydro
WSH2 – Marine Cadastre / CZM
Chair: Teo CheeHai (Malaysia)
Rapporteur: Ruth Adams (United Kingdom)
WSH2.1 Michael Sutherland (Canada):
Sea Level Rise and
Coastal Zone Management
WSH2.2 Diane Dumashie (United Kingdom):
CZM in the UK Policy
and Practice: Does It Continue to Evolve?
WSH2.3 David Neale (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago):
Hydrographic Data as
Indicators of Physical Development on the Trinidad West Coast WSH2.4 Vassilios N. Grigoriadis and Ilias N. Tziavos (Greece):
Development of a Software Package for the Automation of Measurements
in Bathymetric Mapping |
Omega |
TS19 - Deformation Measurements and
Analysis II
Commission: 6
Chair: Svend Kold Johansen (Denmark)
Maria Tsakiri (Greece)TS19.1 Ioannis Kotsis, Spyros Karamitsos, Charis
Kontoes, Demetris Paradissis, Olga Sycioti and
Panagiotis Elias (Greece) and Pierre Briole (France):
Verifying InSAR Derived Vertical Differential Displacements by Leveling
- Application along Mornos Open Aqueduct
- Handouts of
TS19.2 Gilad Even-Tzur (Israel):
The Stability of Nodal
Points in the Leveling Network in the Southwest Part of Israel
- Handouts of
TS19.3 Pekka Lehmuskoski, Paavo Rouhiainen, Veikko
Saaranen, Mikko Takalo and Heikki Virtanen
(Finland): Thermal Dependence of the Metsähovi Levelling Test Field
TS19.4 Serdar Erol, Rahmi Nurhan Çelik, Bihter Erol and Tevfik Ayan
(Turkey): Assessment of Satellite Based and Terrestrial Measurement
Techniques in Monitoring Vertical Deformations
- Handouts of
TS19.5 Stella I. Pytharouli, Villy A. Kontogianni and
Stathis C. Stiros (Greece):
Analysis of the Geodetic Monitoring
Record of the Ladhon Dam, Greece
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation |
TS20 - SIM Applications
Commission: 3
Chair: Szalbolcs Mihàly (Hungary)
Rapporteur: Rob Mahoney (United Kingdom)
TS20.1 Rahmi Nurham Çelik, N. Necla Uluğtekin and Caner
Güney (Turkey): 4D Geo-referenced Database Approach for GIS
- Handouts of
TS20.2 Ioanna Ch. Karakaidou, Dimitrios E. Evangelidis
and Georgios A. Bantelas (Greece):
Routine Maintenance
Management Systems (RMMS) of Egnatia Odos Motorway
- Handouts of
TS20.3 Hakan Guler, Murat Akad and Murat Ergun
(Turkey): Railway Asset Management System in Turkey: A GIS Application
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS20.4 Caner Güney and Rahmi Nurhan Celik (Turkey):
Process of a GIS-based System for the Historical Documentation of Two
Ottoman Fortresses on Dardanelles
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS20.5 Ioannis M. Ifadis,
Avraam P. Mavridis and Paraskevas D. Savvaidis
(Greece): Internetic GIS: An Open System for Organic Agriculture
Administration, Verification and Planning
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS20.6 Volkan Yildirim and Tahsin Yomralioglu
(Turkey): An Address-based Geospatial Application
- Handouts
of .ppt-presentation TS20.7 Vladimir
A. Seredovich, Venyamin K. Pankrushin and Boris T. Mazurov (Russia):
Mathematical Modeling and
Identification of the Stressed-deformed State of Geodynamic Systems by
Spatio-temporal Series of Combined Geodetic and Geophysical
Observations in the Light of Prediction of Natural and Technogenic
Catastrophes. This paper has not been presented in the conference. |
Lamda |
TS21 - Developments in Urban and
Rural Land Management
Commission: 7 and 8
Chair: Richard Grover (United Kingdom)
Rapporteur: Hendrik Ploeger (Netherlands)
Introduction papers
TS21.1 Ivan F. Muzondo (Zimbabwe), Michael Barry
(Canada) and David Dewar and
Jennifer Whittal (South Africa):
Land Conflicts in Informal
Settlements: Wallacedene in Cape Town, South Africa
- Handouts of
TS21.2 Terry van Dijk (Netherlands):
A Requiem to
Program-driven Rural Land Management
- Handouts of
TS21.3 Esben Munk Sorensen, Anne Kirstine Munk Mouritzen and
Jan K. Staunstrup (Denmark):
Property Development
in the Countryside - "In the Storm Centre of Agricultural Policy and
Rural Development"
- Handouts of
Case studies
TS21.4 Katarzyna Sobolewska–Mikulska (Poland):
Related to Land Consolidation in Poland after Accession to the
European Union
- Handouts of
TS21.5 Mehmet Cete and Tahsin Yomralioglu (Turkey):
Cadastre: The Key Component in Urban-based Information Systems
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation |
Theta/Sigma |
Workshop - Hydro
WSH3 – Vertical Reference Frame & Marine Construction/Dredging
Chair: Matt Higgins (Australia)
Rapporteur: Andrew Leyzack (Canada)
WSH3.1 Steve Shipman (United Kingdom):
The Status of the
European Combined Geodetic Network (ECGN) - The Soon to Be Formed IAG
Inter-Commission Project 1.2 on Vertical Reference Frames and How the
IHO Fits in
WSH3.2 Ahmed El-Rabbany (Canada) and Ruth Adams
(United Kingdom): Relating Data to a Seamless Vertical Reference
WSH3.3 Laurence Waterhouse (United Kingdom):
GeoScaN, Remote
Data Acquisition for Hydrographic, Topographic and GIS Surveying. . This
paper has not been presented in the conference.
WSH3.4 Arzu Erener and Ertan Gökalp (Turkey):
the Sea Bottom Using RTK GPS and Lead-Line in Trabzon Harbor. This
paper has not been presented in the conference. |
Wednesday May 26,
Aphrodite |
PS3 - Plenary
Session 3 - Land Administration and Land Management Chair:
Bettina Petzold, Vice President of FIG
Rapporteur: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, GreecePS3.1 Mr. Helge
Onsrud, Senior Advisor, Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority (Norway):
Land Administration in Europe - New Challenges and Opportunities
- Handouts of .ppt-presentation
PS3.2 Mr. Bengt Kjellson, Chair of the UN ECE Working Party
on Land Administration (WPLA) and Director (Strategy & International
Relations), Lantmäteriet: Future Perspectives of Land
Administration and Cadastre
- Handouts of .ppt-presentation |
Omega |
TS22 - Policy: e-Commerce +
e-Governance = Future
Commission: 1, 3 and 7
Chair: Kari Strande (Norway)
Rapporteur: Yaacoub Saade (Lebanon)
TS22.1 Kari Strande (Norway):
Across Boundaries – SDI
in a European Perspective (INSPIRE)
- Handouts of
TS22.2 Kauko Viitanen (Finland):
Brand in Real Estate
Business - Concept, Idea, Value?
- Handouts of
TS22.3 Çetin Cömert and Halil Akinci (Turkey):
Services, NSDI and e-Government
- Handouts of
TS22.4 Winfried Hawerk (Germany):
E-Land Administration 2015
– Vision or Reality?
- Handouts of
TS22.5 Volker Emmel and Hartmut Müller (Germany):
of German State‘s Rhineland-Palatinate Spatial Data Infrastructure for
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS22.6 Jes Ryttersgaard (Denmark):
Across Boundaries – SDI
in a European Perspective (INSPIRE). This paper has not been
presented in the conference. |
TS23 - Engineering Surveys for Industry and
Construction Works
Commission: 6
Chair: Gethin Roberts (United Kingdom)
Rapporteur: Lothar Gründig (Germany)
TS23.1 Εvangelia Lambrou and George Pantazis
(Greece): Geometric Documentation of Structures After an Earthquake
- Handouts of
TS23.2 Frank Gielsdorf, Andreas Rietdorf and Lothar Gründig
(Germany): Geometrical Modelling of Buildings – The Frame for the
Integration of Data Acquisition Techniques
- Handouts of
TS23.3 Ivo Milev and Lothar Gruendig (Germany):
Maintenance Tools Based on the Rail Track Data Base of German Rail
TS23.4 Alojz Kopáčik (Slovakia) and Thomas A.
Wunderlich (Germany):
Usage of Laser Scanning
Systems at Hydro-technical Structures
TS23.5 Michel Mayoud (France):
Large Scale Metrology for
Research and Industry: Application to Particle Accelerators and Recent
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation |
Lamda |
TS24 - Planning, Valuation and the
Commission: 9 and 8
Chair: Stephen Yip (Hong Kong SAR, China)
Rapporteur: Kauko Viitanen (Finland)
TS24.1 Bayram Uzun and Mehmet Çete (Turkey):
A Model
for Solving Informal Settlement Issues in Developing Countries
- Handouts of
TS24.2 Wafula Nabutola (Kenya):
Upgrading Informal
Settlements – Kenya: Rural & Urban
- Handouts of
TS24.3 Simon Adcock (Australia):
The Necessity for
“Re-found” Brownfield Land and Preventing Environment Catastrophes – A
Forensic Valuation/Appraisal Approach to Contaminated Land
- Handouts of
TS24.4 Heikki Seppänen (Finland):
Land Acquisition and
Compulsory Means – Cooperation Creates Satisfaction
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS24.5 Tej Kumar Karki (Nepal):
Regional and Urban
Development Policies and Programmes of Nepal. This paper has not
been presented in the conference. |
Theta/Sigma |
Workshop –
Archaeological Surveys
WSA1 - Recording Methods
Chair: John Badekas (Greece)
Rapporteur: D. Skarlakos (Greece)
Introduction papers
WSA1.1 Andreas Georgopoulos and Charalambos Ioannidis
(Greece): Photogrammetric and Surveying Methods for the Geometric
Recording of Archaeological Monuments
Case studies
WSA1.2 D. Skarlatos, S. Theodoridou and D. Glabenas
(Greece): Archaeological Surveys in Greece Using Radio-controlled
WSA1.3 Vassilis Fotinopoulos (Greece):
Baloon Photogrammetry
for Archaeological Surveys
WSA1.4 George Vozikis, Alexander Haring, Evangelos Vozikis
and Karl Kraus (Austria/Greece):
Laser Scanning: A New
Method for Recording and Documentation in Archaeology
WSA1.5 Charalambos Ioannidis, Maria Tsakiri and
Sofia Soile (Greece):
Rapid 3D Recording of Archaeological Sites Found During
Construction Development
WSA1.6 Benjamin Pinia Paton, Francisca Pascual Sanz and
Antonio Maniero Garcia (Spain):
Topographic and Photogrammetric
Survey of the Altamira Cave. This
paper has not been presented in the conference.
WSA1.7 Sofoklis Alevridis and Maria Skoyrtsidoy
(Greece): The Survey of the Temple of Apollo Epikourios during the
Conservation Works. This
paper has not been presented in the conference. |
Omega |
TS25 - Appropriate Technologies for
Good Land Administration II – 3D Cadastre
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Arvo Kokkonen (Finland)
Rapporteur: Richard Grover (United Kingdom)
Introduction papers
TS25.1 Jantien E. Stoter, Peter J. M. van Oosterom,
Hendrik D. Ploeger and Henri J. G. L. Aalders (Netherlands):
Conceptual 3D Cadastral Model Applied in Several Countries
- Handouts of
TS25.2 Uri Shoshani, Moshe Benhamu, Eri Goshen, Saul Denekamp
and Roy Bar (Israel):
Registration of Cadastral Spatial Rights
in Israel – A Research and Development Project
- Handouts of
Case studies
TS25.3 Jad Jarroush and Gilad Even-Tzur (Israel):
Constructive Solid Geometry as Basis of 3D Future Cadastre
- Handouts of
TS25.4 C. Coşkun Aydin, Osman Demir and Mustafa
Atasoy (Turkey): Third Dimension (3D) in Cadastre and Its
Integration with 3D GIS in Turkey. This
paper has not been presented in the conference.
TS25.5 Jantien Stoter (Netherlands), Esben Munk Sørensen
and Lars Bodum (Denmark):
3D Registration of Real Property in
- Handouts of
TS25.6 Mary Papaefthymiou, Tassos Labropoulos and
Panagiotis Zentelis (Greece):
3D-Cadastre in Greece - Legal,
Physical and Practical Issues: Application on Santorini Island
- Handouts of
TS25.7 Hendrik D. Ploeger and Jantien E. Stoter
(Netherlands): Registration of Cross Boundary Infrastructure Objects
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation |
TS26 - Positioning and Measurement
Technologies and Practices II – Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry
Commission: 5
Chair: Georgia Fotopoulos (Canada)
Rapporteur: Rudolf Staiger (Germany)Introduction papers
TS26.1 Thorsten Schulz and Hilmar Ingensand
(Switzerland): Terrestrial Laser Scanning – Investigations and
Applications for High Precision Scanning
- Handouts of
TS26.2 Frank Gielsdorf, Andreas Rietdorf and
Lothar Gruendig (Germany):
A Concept for the Calibration of
Terrestrial Laser Scanners
- Handouts of
TS26.3 Michael Scherer (Germany):
Intelligent Scanning with
Robot-Tacheometer and Image Processing – A Low Cost Alternative to 3D
Laser Scanning?
- Handouts of
Case studies
TS26.4 Alberto Guarnieri and Antonio Vettore (Italy) and
Fabio Remondino (Switzerland):
Photogrammetry and Ground-based Laser
Scanning: Assessment of Metric Accuracy of the 3D Model of
Pozzoveggiani Church
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS26.5 Ales Cepek and Jan Pytel (Czech Republic):
Acyclic Visitor Pattern in Formulation of Mathematical Model
- Handouts of
TS26.6 Sina Taghvakish and Jalal Amini (Iran):
Optimum Weight in Thin Plate Spline for Digital Surface Model
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS26.7 M. Saadatseresht, F. Samadzadegan and A.
Azizi (Iran): Accessibility Analysis In Camera Placement Network
Design for Vision Metrology. This paper has not been presented in the
conference. |
Lamda |
TS27 - Valuation Techniques and
Commission: 9
Chair: Simon Adcock (Australia)
Rapporteur: David Smejkal (Czech Republic)
TS27.1 Anna Barańska (Poland):
Criteria of Database
Quality Appraisement and Choice Stochastic Models in Prediction of
Real Estate Market Value
- Handouts of
TS27.2 Arvydas Bagdonavicius and Rimantas Ramanauskas (Lithuania):
Introducing a Computerised Market Value-Based Mass
Appraisal System for Real Property Taxation in Lithuania
Handouts of .ppt-presentation
TS27.3 Analía Isabel Argerich (Argentina):
Remote Sensing
Applications to Perform Massive Rural Valuations in the Argentine
- Handouts of
TS27.4 Tahsin Yomralioglu and Recep Nisanci (Turkey):
Nominal Asset Land Valuation Technique by GIS
- Handouts of
TS27.5 Greg McGill and Frances Plimmer (United
Kingdom): Land Value Taxation: An Investigation into Practical
Planning and Valuation Problems
- Handouts of
TS27.6 Dieter Kertscher (Germany):
Digital Purchase Price
Collections – The German Way to Provide Transparency for the Real
Estate Markets
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS27.7 Maria Contoman (Romania):
Economic Assessment of Agricultural
Grounds – Basis for Introduction of General Cadastre in Romania. This
paper has not been presented in the conference. |
Theta/Sigma |
Workshop –
Archaeological Surveys
WSA2 – Modelling and Visualization
Chair: Andreas Georgopoulos (Greece)
Rapporteur: Apostolos Arvanitis (Greece)
Introduction papers
WSA2.1 Petros Patias (Greece):
Photogrammetry in the
Visualization Era
Case studies
WSA2.2 Wolfgang Böhler, Monica Bordas Vicent, Guido Heinz,
Andreas Marbs and Hartmut Müller (Germany):
High Quality
Scanning and Modeling of Monuments and Artifacts
WSA2.3 Eric Andrea Mngumi and Heinz Ruther (South
Africa): Solid Modeling for Heritage Documentation
- Handouts of
WSA2.4 Panos A. Psimoulis and Stathis C. Stiros
(Greece): Modelling an Ancient Theatre Using Analytical Techniques
- Handouts of
WSA2.5 Vaios Balis, Spyros Karamitsos, Ioannis Kotsis, Christos
Liapakis and Nikos Simpas (Greece):
3D – Laser Scanning:
Integration of Point Cloud and CCD Camera Video Data for the
Production of High Resolution and Precision RGB Textured Models:
Archaeological Monuments Surveying Application in Ancient Ilida
- Handouts of
WSA2.6 Derek D. Lichti and Stuart J. Gordon
(Australia): Error Propagation in Directly Georeferenced Terrestrial
Laser Scanner Point Clouds for Cultural Heritage Recording
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation WSA2.7 Marinos Ioannides (Cyprus):
An Efficient Algorithm
for the 3D-Reconstraction and Reproduction in Cultural Heritage. This
paper has not been presented in the conference. |
Omega |
TS28 - Appropriate Technologies for
Good Land Administration III
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Francis Gabele (Belgium)
Rapporteur: Marc Vanderschueren (Belgium)
Introduction papers
TS28.1 Jose Antonio Pinzón Bermúdez (Colombia):
The Employ
Cadastral Information to Formulation Environmental Policy - Appraisal
Social’s Loss and Profit of Welfare for Effect of Externalities
- Handouts of
TS28.2 Berry van Osch and Christiaan Lemmen
(Netherlands): Towards the Introduction of Workflow Management at the Netherlands
- Handouts of
Case studies
TS28.3 Emin Bank and Orhan Mataraci (Turkey):
Cadastral Data Management System
in Turkey
- Handouts of
TS28.4 Lefteris Lykouropoulos and Giorgos Mourafetis
(Greece): The IT System of the National Cadastre of Greece
- Handouts
of .ppt-presentation
TS28.5 Alberto Beinat, Fabio Crosilla and Emiliano Sossai
(Italy): An Automatic Analytical Procedure for Searching Corresponding
Feature Points in a Cadastral Map
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS28.6 Charles Paradzayi and Heinz Ruther (South
Africa): The Development and Implementation of the Lake Rukwa Basin
Integrated Project Environmental Information System (LRBIP-EIS)
Database, Tanzania
- Handouts of .ppt-presentation |
TS29 - Positioning and Measurement
Technologies and Practices III – Applications and Processing
Commission: 5
Chair: Dan Schnurr (United Kingdom)
Rapporteur: Rob Sarib (Australia)Introduction papers
TS29.1 Maria Tsakiri, Dimosthenis Stathas and Orthodoxia
(Greece): Advanced Surveying Techniques for Measuring the Marathon
- Handouts of
TS29.2 Kefei Zhang, Yong Li, Ron Grenfell,
Allan Hahn, Chris Gore and Tony Rice (Australia):
Prototype Multisensor GPS Rower Monitoring and Coaching Systems for
Olympics. This paper is not available, please contact authors for
detailed information.
TS29.3 K. Lakakis, P. Savvaidis, I. M. Ifadis
and I. D. Doukas (Greece):
Quality of Map-Matching Procedures
Based on DGPS and Stand-Alone GPS Positioning in an Urban Area
- Handouts of
Case studies
TS29.4 Dimitrios Papageorgiou, Christos Pikridas,
Aristidis Fotiou and Kostas Katsambalos (Greece):
By Code: An Educational -Purpose Software Package for GPS Baseline
Determination Using Code Measurements
- Handouts of
TS29.5 Panos A. Psimoulis, Villy A. Kontogianni,
Anna Nickitopoulou, Stella I. Pytharouli, Panagiotis
Triantafyllidis and Stathis C.
Stiros (Greece): Estimating the Optimum Duration of GPS Static
Observations for Short Baseline Length Determination in Greece
- Handouts of
TS29.6 M. Onur Kaplan, Tevfik Ayan and Serdar Erol
(Turkey): The Effects of Geodetic Configuration of the Network on
Deformation Analysis
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation TS29.7 Ekrem Tusat and Bayram Turgut (Turkey):
Investigation Ambiguity Resolution
in GPS and the Effects of Ionospheric Modeling on Base Vector
Components. This
paper has not been presented in the conference. |
Lamda |
ESRI Workshop - ArcGIS Survey Analyst: Integrating
survey data in GIS
Facilitator: Mike Weir, ESRI |
Theta/Sigma |
Workshop –
Archaeological Surveys
WSA3 - Spatial Information Systems for Archaeology
Chair: Petros Patias (Greece)
Rapporteur: Derec Lichti (Australia)
Introduction papers
WSA3.1 Charalambos Ioannidis, Andreas Georgopoulos and
Chryssy Potsiou (Greece):
The Need for Development a Spatial
Information System for Monument or Archaeological Site’s Documentation
- Handouts of
Case studies
WSA3.2 Kostas Tokmakidis, Maria-Eleni Kalivioti and
Penelope Nanakou (Greece):
Geographic Information System Applied
in Archaeological Site
- Handouts of
WSA3.3 Tevfik Ozludemir, Caner Güney, Lucienne Thys-Senocak
and Rahmi Nurham Celik (Turkey):
Roadmap for a Multidisciplinary
Project: The Historical Documentation of Two Ottoman Fortresses on the
Dardanelles – Seddulbahir & Kumkale
- Handouts of
WSA3.4 Georgia Anagnostopoulou (Greece):
The Archaeological
Survey and the Graphical Documentation of the Excavation in Monastiraki Square for the Athens Metro Construction – Excavation Site
- Handouts of
.ppt-presentation WSA3.5 Madan Mohan (India):
Historical Information System
for Surveying Monuments and Spatial Data Modeling for Conservation of
Cultural Heritage in Delhi. This
paper has not been presented in the conference. WSA3.6 E. G. Vergounov
and Yu. P. Gulyayev (Russia):
Optimal Land Measuring Work
Package for the Archaeological Research in Gorny Altai and Creation of
the Specialized GIS (Geographic Information System). This paper has
not been presented in the conference. |
Ballroom III |
Closing Ceremony Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Magel,
President of FIG: Closing Address and Recommendations of the FIG
Working Week 2005
- Handouts of .ppt-presentation
Handover of the FIG Banner to the Local Organising Committee of FIG
Working Week 2005
FIG Fanfare |