The participants at the conference |
Over a two day workshop the African Task
Force objectives were to understand what the barriers of
entry to the profession are especially relating to women and
young people, to add value for participants through a
learning experience to enable them to act as agents of
change and to outline and develop a range of tools that are
capable of being used by member associations that will make
a difference in their recruiting strategies. This workshop
brought together decision makers and practitioners from
several African nations.
Read more ... |

Participants at the international symposium |
Structural failures such as collapses of
bridges and buildings and geohazards caused by events such
as landslides, ground subsidence and earthquakes are
world-wide problems that often lead to significant economic
and life losses. The symposium provided a forum for sharing
latest research results, ideas and experiences in monitoring
deformations of both natural phenomena and man-made
structures. About 200 leading experts, researchers, industry
practitioners and students from 27 countries and regions
gathered for the Joint International Symposium on
Deformation Monitoring (JISDM 2011). FIG was represented by
Chair of Commission 6 Gethin Roberts. Read
more ... |

Keynote session of the 3rd Cadastral Congress. |
President CheeHai Teo joined the 3rd
Cadastral Congress in Warsaw, Poland. The theme was
‘Cadastre in sustainable spatial management’. The Congress
was organized by Association of Polish Surveyors in close
cooperation with the Head Office of Geodesy in Poland. About
150 participants from 19 countries joined. Issues discussed
were the future of Cadastre (Cadastre 2014plus), cadastral
reforms in local and global scale – integration of the
technical and legal part of cadastre, cadastre in the field
of disaster management and cadastre in the European Union.
Read more ... |

At the opening of the Training Course |
The 3rd International and Professional
Training Course for Young Surveyors was an excellent and
memorable event, organized and sponsored by the Consiglio
Nazionale Geomtetri CNGGeL (the National Association of the
Italian Surveyors) and Geoweb (the technical company which
belongs to Consiglio and provides all information about the
Italian Cadastre to the Italian surveyors), in collaboration
with HARSE (Hellenic Association of Rural and Surveying
Engineers). Altogether 50 young surveyors participated
Read more ... |

The participants at the conference |
The International NSDI Conference was
organized by the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre (AREC) and
the Faculty of Civil Engineering. FIG and EuroGeographics
were co-organizers. FIG was represented by Vice President
Chryssy Potsiou, who presented the 2011-2014 Work Plan
of FIG and its major targets. The conference was also
supported by the World Bank, the Netherlands Kadaster,
Swedesurvey AB, City of Skopje, GDi GIS Data, IGEA Mak, as
well as by Asseco SEE.
Read more ... |
FIG General Assembly 2012 - Call for bids to host FIG
Working Week 2015 or 2016
The FIG General Assembly will select at its meeting in
Rome, Italy 6-10 May 2012 the host and venue for the FIG Working Week
2015 and FIG Working Week 2016. The member associations have been
invited to consider making a bid to host the Working Week 2015 or 2016
together with FIG. The Council has prepared bidding guidelines for
making the bid. These guidelines explain in detail the information that
is required for a successful bid. Decision on the host of the two
Working Weeks will be made in Rome based on proposal from the Council
and evaluation report prepared by the FIG Office. deadline for making
the bid is 30 November 2011. Any association that is interested
to host the FIG Working Week in 2015 or 2016 is requested to contact FIG
Director, email:

Electronic Sand Art Presentation at the Opening Session
depicting the optimism and hope in this inaugural High Level
Forum |
The United Nations First High Level Forum
on Global Geospatial Information Management was attended by
350 participants from 90 Member States together with 22
representatives from the United Nations and 37
representatives from international organizations and the
private sector. At the opening session, the Prime Minister
of Korea stressed that geospatial information is most
fundamental and essential to support joint efforts in
resolving global issues.
Read more ...
President Teo also attended the UN Committee of Experts on
Global Geospatial Information Management during his visit in
Seoul. The Committee of Experts met for the first time after
the successful conclusion of the United Nations First High
Level Forum on GGIM on 27th October 2011.
Read more ... |

JBGIS meeting at the UN-GGIM Forum |
The Joint Board of Geospatial Information
Societies held a meeting on the sideline of the United
Nations First High Level Forum on Global Geospatial
Information Management in Seoul. The meeting was attended by
eight of the ten member organizations. Chair of the Joint
Board, Professor William Cartwright, was included as a
member of the “extended” Bureau for the United Nations
Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information
Management, underlying the necessity for international
professional geospatial societies to work collaboratively
and to have a collective voice within the United Nations
Read more ... |
President CheeHai Teo attended the
44th Council Meeting of the ASEAN Federation of Land
Surveying and Geomatics hosted by the Survey and Mapping
Society, Thailand, an Institutional Member of AFLAG in
Bangkok. Dr. Wicha Jiwalai, from Thailand and
President of AFLAG, chaired the meeting.
Read more ... |
The CSDILA Family |
The Land Administration Forum and
associated workshops was coordinated through the PCGIAP
Working Group 3 on “Spatially Enabled Government” and the
University of Melbourne’s Centre for SDIs and Land
Administration (CSDILA). President CheeHai Teo
attended this forum as well as the 4th Land Administration
Forum for Asia and the Pacific “Beyond Spatial Enablement”
and Tenth Anniversary Celebration of the Centre for SDIs and
Land Administration, University of MelbourneRead
more ...
President Teo also visited RMIT University in Melbourne
Read more ... |
The Sixth Meeting of the International
Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG)
was held in Tokyo, Japan from 5 to 9 September 2011. The
ICG has been formed as a result of recommendations of
the UN Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space
(COPUOS), as ratified by the General Assembly of the UN.
The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) is an
Associate Member of the ICG.
Read more ... |
The Open Geospatial
Consortium (OGC) undertakes a survey on the business value of open
standards. The last OGC survey (with less focus on this topic) was
in 2008, and therefore every contribution is valuable. The survey
takes 15-20 minutes. More information and survey link:

Karl-Friedrich Thöne, President of DVW making his
plenary presentation. |
The world biggest tradeshow in surveying
and geomatics business gathered more than 16,000 visitors
from 80 countries to see 800 exhibitors. The focus at
INTERGEO 2011 was very much on the geodata infrastructure,
sensors and 3D mapping. The INTERGEO conference titled "Knowledge
and Action for Planet Earth" attracted 1,500
participants to listen to 140 presentations on 40 main
topics. FIG was represented at INTERGEO by Vice President
Rudolf Staiger that made a welcome address at the
opening ceremony.
Read more ... |

Participants visiting the German-Austrian state boundary at
Zugspitze |
FIG Commission 7 held his annual meetingin
the wonderful city of Innsbruck, Austria culminating with
the high level International Symposium Cadastre 2.0. This
meeting welcomed delegates from 30 countries among them FIG
Vice President Chryssy Potsiou, former Chairs of
Commission 7 Andrzej Hopfer, Ian Williamson, Paul
MunroFaure and András Osskó. Without any doubt, issues
related to land administration and cadastral perspectives
are still of very high interest, namely in regard of
citizens’ involvement, crowd sourcing and social medias.
Read more ... |

Vice President Greenway with the Congress organisers |
The Geodetic Society of Bosnia-Herzegovina
became a Member Association of FIG in 2010, and invited Vice
President Greenway to attend the Congress 2011, held
28-30 September 2011 to make a presentation on the work of
FIG to the delegates.Over 200 professionals attended the
congress, from Bosnia-Herzegovina and surrounding
countries.Those responsible for the cadastre face a number
of particular challenges. Some of these relate to the loss
of cadastral records in the recent war; others to the legacy
of differing cadastral systems in the country.
Read more ... |
Stig Enemark and Hu Cunzhi |
The FIG Office hosted a delegation from
China Land Surveying and Planning Institute, Ministry of
Land and Resources led by Chief Planner Hu Cunzhi,
who came to visit the FIG Office, and to explore about FIG,
the Danish Association of Chartered Surveyors and Aalborg
University. The purpose of the meeting was to deepen mutual
understanding and strengthen the cooperation between MLR and
the global surveying community.
Read more ... |
The Empowerment of Local Authorities:
Spatial Information and Spatial Planning Tools is the
title of this years meeting and workshop. The aim is to
study the impact of spatial information and spatial
planning tools on economic, social and environmental
aspects of local authorities in general, and on the
empowerment of local authorities in particular. The aim
is also to investigate the international knowledge and
practice on how surveyors may assist real estate
markets, good governance, environmental management and
planning initiatives by providing reliable spatial and
relevant infrastructures. Visit
Web site
and read full
Invitation. |

Participants of the workshop in front of the Genghis
Khan Monument |
The workshop on “Innovative
Technologies for an Efficient Geospatial Management of
Earth Resources” was organised by FIG Commission 5 and 6
together with the Mongolian Association of Geodesy,
Photogrammetry and Cartography (MAGPC) and the Siberian
State Academy of Geodesy (SSGA) in Novosibirsk. Early
Warning and Crisis Management – the Role of GI and
Spatial Data Infrastructure” was the title of a
Round-Table-Discussion. The workshop was the first of
its kind in Mongolia and was very well organised.
Read more... |

FIG was well represented at the Congress |
CheeHai Teo, President FIG,
Ahmad Fauzi Nordin, chair of the Organizing
Committee, Christiaan Lemmen, Director OICRF,
Michael Sutherland, chair of Commission 4
(Hydrography) and Robert Šinkner, Chair
FIG Commission 10 (Construction) participated in the
Congress which had an excellent programme. The Minister
of Natural Resources and Environment opened the
proceedings and urged surveyors to be ‘well prepared
to take on new challenges - to venture into new areas of
discovery and development, through shared knowledge and
creative innovations'. The congress covered a broad
range of the survey profession.
Read more... |

The United Nations ECOSOC made history on
27 July 2011 in Geneva by establishing a new
intergovernmental body, the UN Committee on Global
Geospatial Information Management, to bring together,
for the first time at the global level, government experts
from all member states to consult on the rapidly changing
field of geospatial information. FIG welcomes this
initiative, intends to contribute towards this global
mechanism that aims at extending the benefits of geospatial
information for the betterment of society, environment and
UN Press release |
FIG Annual Review 2010 is now available (32 pages, 3.55
MB) as a .pdf-file.
Hard copies have been mailed to all members together with
the minutes from the General Assembly in Marrakech. To
receive your personal copy, please contact the FIG office,
email: FIG@fig.net. |

Invitation |
The traditional Commission 7 Annual Meeting
was be held in Innsbruck, Austria. As a part of the Annual
Meeting, a one-day international Symposium on “Cadastre 2.0”
was held 30 September 2011. Visit
Web site. |

Delegates to the GGIM Africa Preparatory Meeting in front of
the United Nations Conference Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
With the establishment of United Nations
Committee on Global Geospatial Information Management, the
UN has made history. The United Nations Economic Commission
for Africa (UN-ECA) has taken the role to lead the
initiative in Africa, so as to ensure that GGIM adequately
reflects African issues and shape its direction and
dimension to reflect Africa’s interest. The Commission
convened the GGIM Africa Preparatory Meeting to consult
member states in Africa with a view to develop the
continent’s needs, prospects and vision for an overall
Geoinformation Governance in Africa.
Read more.... |

Mr. Zelalem Asemu, Vice President of the Ethiopian
Professional Surveyors Association |
President CheeHai Teo discussed the
current state of the profession in Ethiopia with Vice
President Mr. Zelalem Asemu when he was in Addis
Ababa attending the UN-ECA GGIM Africa Preparatory Meeting.
The Association was admitted to FIG at the recent Working
Week in Marrakech and faces challenges to further develop
the profession in Ethiopia. Vice President Asemu has a wish
to see the Association and the Profession strengthened and
promoted through the development of appropriate standards of
Read more.... |

President CIREA, SONG ChunHua and FIG President
TEO CheeHai |
The China Institute of Real Estate
Appraisers and Agents is one of the two FIG member
associations from PR China. Its national delegate, Prof. Dr.
Liao (廖俊平) is an active member of FIG Commission 9
and was recently appointed as a Member of the FIG Task Force
on Property and Housing. Among other things CIREA expressed
a wish to connect and network with similar organizations
within FIG particularly those with responsibilities in the
area of property taxation, housing and real estate policies.
Read more... |

FIG President TEO CheeHai visiting CLSPI and Mr
WANG Shiyuan, Vice Minister of Land and Resources China |
China Land Surveying and Planning Institute
is a newly appointed Affiliate Member of FIG. The Institute
acts as a “think tank” within the Ministry and areas of
activities include land use planning, land survey and
evaluation, cadastral management, land policy, remote
sensing, land pricing and land information. President Teo
also met with Vice Minister of Land and Resources Mr WANG
Shiyuan, who expressed his support towards CLSPI’s
membership in FIG and hoped that the membership will
intensify efforts towards better policies, programs and
practices within the area of land management and
administration in China.
Read more... |

The Permantent Committee on GIS Infrasturcture for Asia and
the Pacific, PCGIAP |
The Permanent Committee was established
pursuant to Resolution 16 of the 13th United Nations
Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
(Beijing 1994) and operates under the purview of the United
Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the
Pacific (UNRCC-AP). The Committee submitted its report and
recommendations. FIG welcomes the resolutions that was
adopted at the conclusion of the meeting in Ulaanbaatar
Read more... |

President CheeHai Teo with Mr. Gankhuu
and Mr. Bayarsaikhan |
ALACGAC is an Affiliate Member of FIG and
the Mongolian Government implementing agency responsible for
determining and implementing state policies of the Ministry
of Road, Transportation, Construction and Urban Development.
Among other things Mr. Gankhuu and President Teo discussed
on the upcoming FIG Commission 5 and 6 Workshop on
“Innovative Technologies for an efficient Geospatial
Management of Earth” on 4– 8 September 2011 in Ulaanbaatar
which the Administration is supporting.
Read more... |

President Teo and President ENKHTUVSHIN Baatar |
President Enkhtuvshin and his fellow
Board Members provided President Teo with a general
overview of the profession, practice and industry in
Mongolia, the current state of affairs within the
Association as well as the issues and challenges. Some the
Profession’s challenges in Mongolia include bringing about
greater cohesiveness within the profession, establishing
appropriate standards that will raise the level of practice
within the industry, and the need for continuing
professional development
Read more... |

The joint board for the Geospatial Information Societies |
The Joint Board is becoming more important
with United Nations initiatives in geospatial information
management – the UN wants to deal with the profession
through one organisation. The Board members agreed to
continue to try to coordinate the work of member
organisations in building capacity in Africa, as well as in
raising the profile of the power of geospatial information
in disaster management. The members also prepared for for
the UN Global Geospatial Information Management event in
Korea in September.
Read more... |

Invitation brochure. |
The third FIG Commissions 5 and 6 Workshop
on “Innovative Technologies for an Efficient Geospatial
Management of Earth Resources” will be held for the
first time in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 4-8 September 2011.The
Workshop is organized by the International Federation of
Surveyors (FIG), Mongolian Association of Geodesy
Photogrammetry & Cartography (MAGP&C) and Siberian State
Academy of Geodesy (SSGA). See
invitation brochure. |
Commission 4 workgroup 4.4 on Capacity
Building and the Economic Benefits of Hydrography has
prepared a report to bring awareness and promote the role of
hydrography as an essential investment in economic
development. This FIG publication no. 57 provides a snapshot
of the workgroup’s efforts from various conferences and
symposia to stimulate thought and exchange ideas in this
regard. The publication
Report on the Economic Benefits of Hydrography has been
published in FIG report series and is available only on the
web. |

General Assembly in Morocco |
FIG General Assembly 2011 was
held during the Working Week in Marrakech,
Morocco. 50 member associations with almost 300
participants attended the first session. The
second session was attended by 48 member
associations and about 250 participants
representing all member categories as well as
observers. At this General Assembly, FIG
appointed immediate past President Prof. Stig
Enemark as an Honorary President.

Henning Elmstroem, DdL, Honorary President
Stig Enemark and President CheeHai Teo, FIG. |
FIG’s 34th General Assembly saluted Prof.
Stig Enemark’s contributions to the Profession and
the Federation with an appointment as FIG Honorary
President. The nomination came from the Danish Association
of Chartered Surveyors (DdL), unanimously supported by the
Council and President Henning Elmstroem of DdL made
the recommendation before the General Assembly in Marrakech,
Morocco. The General Assembly and the Federation thanked
Prof. Enemark for an energetic and illustrious Presidency.
Heartiest Congratulations to FIG Honorary President
Prof. Stig Enemark!
Read more... |

The FAO organisers together with Vice President Dalal
Alnaggar |
The FAO Workshop 20 specialists were
invited, and Vice President Dalal Alnaggar
represented FIG. The purpose of the Workshop was to bring
together land sector professionals from government, civil
society and the private sector to share their experiences of
practical approaches to improving gender-equitability in
governance of land tenure. The participants defined that
gender is a socially and politically constructed identity
which is broader and more differentiated than just men and
women and recommendations were identified.
Read more... |

Participants of the Seminar |
The “International Seminar on Land
Administration and Management” was organized by Geo-SEE
and its President Prof Bashkim Idrizi from FY
Republic of Macedonia and Kosova Cadastral Agency and its
Chief Executive Officer Prof Murat Meha and was
supported by FIG, AGISEE and Geography department of SUT.
The well organized Seminar for the region was attended by 94
participants from 34 organizations from 13 different
European countries. Read a summery of the resolutions of the
seminar and the contributions the participants agreed on.
Read more... |

Mr. Gert Steinkellner and Chair-person Helen
Kerfoot |
Mr. Gert Steinkellner, the President
of the Austrian member organisation participated for FIG as
observer in The United Nations Group of Experts on
Geographical Names. This experts group deals with technical,
cultural and linguistic aspects of geographical names. It is
organised in geographical/ linguistic divisions and working
groups amongst others for on toponymy, exonyms and
Read more... |

Official Opening of Geosiberia 2011.
Geosiberia 2011was organized from the 26th
to 29th of April in Novosibirsk, Russia by the Siberian
State Academy of Geodesy. This event which was already the
7th edition was organized under the lead of Prof.
Alexander Karpik and Prof.
Vladimir Seredovich. FIG was one of the co-sponsors
and was represented by Vice President Rudolf Staiger.
Read more... |
FIG Working Week and General Assembly
2011 was held in Marrakech, Morocco 18-22 May 2011.
Technical programme included more than 500 presentations
in 90 sessions and forums.
FIG General Assembly 2011 - Marrakech, Morocco, 18 and 22 May
2011 –
Minutes are now available

Palais des Congres, Marrakech |
The FIG General Assembly was held 18 and 22 May in
Marrakech in conjunction to the FIG Working Week 2012. The
main issues on the agenda were adoption of the Council and
Commission work plans. These will be the roadmap over the
next four years. As result from the break-out session
focusing particularly on voting rights the General Assembly
decided to establish a Working Party on this topic. Several
new members were approved including member associations from
Ethiopia, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal.
Report from the General
Assembly is now available.
Minutes without appendices will be sent to all members of
FIG in June. |
The Local Organising Committee of FIG Working Week 2011
visited Marrakech 3-4 May 2011 to discuss the security and
other last minute issues with national and local
After the visit of LOC to Marrakech 3-4 FIG President
CheeHai Teo has given the following statement 6 May
2011: "FIG welcomes the efforts of ONIGT, the local
co-organizer, to engage various authorities including the
Ministry of the Interior and the Governor of the Marrakech
Region to implement appropriate arrangements and measures
aimed at assuring the security and safety of all
participants at the upcoming FIG Working Week. FIG thanked
the Moroccan authorities for their continuing support and
assurances, as well as all the additional measures taken. We
look towards a successful Working Week."
the full report. |

World Bank Land Conference in April. |
The 2011 edition of the World Bank’s Land
Conference continues to bring together policy makers,
practitioners, professionals and participants from academia
and civil societies. This year’s event included country
specific focus on improving land governance at country level
from Brazil, PR China, Ethiopia, Ghana, India and Rwanda.
President CheeHai Teo attended the Conference and
chaired the session on "Making Land Administration
Accessible" on the morning of 20th April.
Read more... |

ED Joan Clos, UN-HABITAT and President CheeHai Teo. |
President CheeHai Teo attended the 23rd Governing
Council of UN-HABITAT in Nairobi 11-15 April 2011 and met
with the Executive Director Dr. Joan Clos during his
visit. President Teo made a courtesy call on Dr. Clos during
the Governing Council; the meeting was also attended by Mr.
Mohamed El-Sioufi (Head, Shelter Branch, Global
Division), Ms. Clarissa Augustinus (Chief, Land,
Tenure and Property Administration Section, Shelter Branch)
and Mr. Danilo Antonio (Global Land Tools Network
Secretariat, Land, Tenure and Property Administration
Section). It was a most cordial meeting, the first between
the newly appointed Executive Director of UN-Habitat and
The resolution on “Sustainable urbanization through
equitable access to land, housing, basic services and
infrastructure” was adopted at the 23rd Governing
Council of UN-HABITAT, Nairobi, Kenya, 15th April 2011.
Read full report ... |
e-Consultation on the Zero Draft of the FAO Voluntary Guidelines
on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and Other Natural
An e-consultation on the zero draft of the FAO Voluntary
Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and
other Natural Resources will take place from 18 April to
16 May 2011. The e-consultation website and the zero
draft will be available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
Russian and Spanish. Comments may be submitted in any of
those languages and will be hosted on the Voluntary
Guidelines website (http://www.fao.org/nr/tenure/voluntary-guidelines/e-consultation/en/).
The aim of the consultation is to gather comments on the
zero draft of the Voluntary Guidelines and to allow
interested parties who were not able to attend the regional
consultations held over the year to contribute in the
drafting of the Voluntary Guidelines. Comments from this
e-consultation will be considered in the first draft of the
Voluntary Guidelines which will be submitted in June to the
open-ended working group of the Committee on World Food
Security (CFS) for review. The work will peak in the CFS led
plenary negotiations from 25-28 July 2011. Final text of the
Voluntary Guidelines will be submitted for the consideration
of the 37th session of the CFS in October 2011. As part
of FIG/FAO co-operation agreement FIG is circulating this
information to FIG members to allow them to comment this key
document of FAO. |

Teo together with ISK President Kuwuor
and ISK board members. |
In connection to the 23rd Governing Council
of the UN-HABITAT President CheeHai Teo visit the
Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK) as well as gave a
lecture to surveying undergraduates on the 13th April 2011
in Nairobi. The event was facilitated by the Department of
Geospatial and Space Technology, University of Nairobi and
the audience comprised members of ISK and students from both
the geospatial and land economy programs at the University.
Read more... |

FIG, FAO and CNGGL representatives at the balcony of CNGGL
in Rome. |
FIG Working Week 2012 will be held at the Rome Cavalieri
Hotel in Rome 6-11 May 2012. The conference is hosted
jointly by FIG and the Consiglio Nazionale Geometri e
Geometri Laureati, CNGGL. The main themes of the conference
will be "Knowing to: ● Manage
the territory ● Protect the
environment ● Evaluate the
cultural heritage. These themes that will guide the
three days of the technical conference were endorsed during
the visit of the FIG delegation to Rome on April 8 and 9,
2011. The visit was at the same time the first official
visit of President CheeHai Teo to a FIG member
association. President Teo accompanied by Vice President
Chryssy Potsiou
and FIG Director met with President Fausto Savoldi,
CNGGL and his board members. The visit included discussions
also with representatives of UN FAO and it was confirmed
that FAO will be partnering FIG at the 2012 Working Week in
Read more... |
The Third Preparatory Meeting of the Proposed United
Nations Committee on Global Geospatial Information
Management was held at the UN Headquarters in New York in
April 2011. FIG was represented by President CheeHai Teo.
The meeting was attended by 22 UN member states, primarily
from geospatial or national mapping authorities, five UN
entities that includes the convenor, UNSD and apart from
The European Group of Surveyors (EGoS) held its General
Assembly and one day seminar in Thessaloniki 11-12 April
2011. FIG was represented by Vice President Chryssy
Potsiou who made a keynote presentation at the seminar.
In her presentation she spoke about the work of FIG
representing surveyors throughout the world on an
International basis. Many of the EGoS member organizations
are also members of FIG. She promoted especially the
activities that FIG has started to attract young surveyors
and professionals. She also welcomed future co-operation
between FIG and EGoS.
Read more... |

FIG President
CheeHai Teo visiting Hong Kong |
President of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, Mr
together with a representation from the association,
warmly welcomed FIG President CheeHai Teo in Hong Kong.
Apart from being shown around HKIS impressive premises and
in-house facilities on Hong Kong Island, President CheeHai
TEO thanked President WONG Bay for HKIS’s continued
contribution and engagement with FIG and welcomed HKIS’s
interest to play a more active role within FIG’s
Commissions, Networks and Task Forces
Read more... |
The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) has been
published as a Draft International Standard by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), as ISO
19152. P-Members of ISO/TC 211, Geographic
Information/Geomatics, can comment on the draft and are in
the position to vote on continuation of the development.
Liaisons to ISO/TC 211, such as FIG, can also comment on the
draft. The deadline for voting and comments is 20 June 2011.
The development of this standard is an initiative from FIG.
It is a comprehensive, extensive, formal process with a
continuous review and a continuous, creative approach to
find common denominators in land administration systems and
included data sets.
Read more... |

Dipl. Ing.
Bledi Stefa, President of AAG, and Prof. Chryssy A
Potsiou, FIG Vice President.
The Albanian Association of Geodesy celebrated its 20th
anniversary since its establishment and organized a one-day
Conference in Tirana on the 22nd of January 2011. The
conference was a historic event as it was at the same time
the 1st conference of AAG. During these past 20 years
Albania and its Association of Geodesy (AAG) have both
walked in the path of progress. AAG became a member
association of FIG at the congress in Sydney. More than 400
participants attended the conference, most of them surveyors
from Albania and the neighboring countries in the Balkan
region. FIG Vice President, Prof Chryssy A Potsiou
represented the Council at the conference.
Read more... |

Dato’ Prof Dr.
Abdul Kadir Taib, Director General of Survey and
Mapping Malaysia and Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President. |
On 3rd January 2011, Prof. Dr. Abdul Kadir Taib,
Director General of Survey and Mapping Malaysia cordially
received Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President at his office
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Director General also chairs
the Land Surveyors Board, the regulatory authority for the
land surveying profession in Malaysia. FIG President thanked
the Director General for his continuing support for FIG and
his attendance at the recent FIG Handover Ceremony.
During the visit, various matters were discussed including
the standing and advancement of the profession in Malaysia,
the active participation of the Department’s officers at FIG
events, as well as the support of the Department in
particular, the Government of Malaysia in general for the
XXV FIG Congress in 2014.
Read more ... |

Local organising committee members at the conference venue. |
FIG representatives visited Rabat and
Marrakech 11-14 January 2011 to discuss and agree on final
arrangements of the Working Week with the Ordre National des
Ingénieurs Géomètres Topographes (ONIGT) and the local
organising committee on practical arrangements. The team led
by Dr. Dalal S. Alnaggar, FIG Vice President are
convinced that the organising committee and local surveyors
had made their utmost to guarantee a big, professionally
interesting and socially unbeatable conference.
Read more ... |
Global Land Tool Network, Partners’ Meeting 15 -16 November
2011 Nairobi, Kenya organised by UNHABITAT and GLTN
The Partners of the Global Land Tool Network met in Nairobi
during November 2011 to fulfil a commitment
to convene a Partner’s Meeting every two years. The meeting
aimed to further strengthen partnerships
towards sustaining the paradigm shift in the development and
implementation of pro-poor land tools and
approaches, and the adoption of alternative land tenure and land
management systems to improve tenure
security within the land governance framework. This was the
fourth such meeting.
Special Stamps to commemorate the Struve Meridian Arc

Finnish stamps on Struve Arc.
FIG Permanent Institution on History has worked to
promote the positive image of the surveying profession
and has introduced the Struve Meridian Arc at the World
Heritage List of UNESCO. The Struve Arc has now been
introduced on special stamps in both Finland, Sweden and
The Swedish stamp is showing a portrait of W. Struve
and theodolite. The Latvian stamp is also covered with a
portrait of Struve and theodolite with triangulation of
Latvia and market stone. The Finish stamp is shown
In Estonia, the Observatory of Tartu (central
point of the struve Meridian Arc) has been restored and
officially opened by the President of Estonia on 27
April 2011. Together with surveyors from many countries,
FIG was represented by Jan de Graeve, President
of the IIHSM. Read more about Struve Meridian Arc in
Publication no 50 15 June 2011 |
2nd CROPOS Conference held in Zagreb, Croatia 8 April 2011
The 2nd CROPOS Conference was held on 8 April 2011
in Croatia organized by State Geodetic Administration
and the Faculty of Geodesy of the University of Zagreb,
in cooperation with the Croatian Chamber of Licensed
Geodetic Engineers and Croatian Geodetic Society. The
objective of this Conference was to familiarize the
geodetic and wider public with the implementation of the
new, official geodetic datum and plane cartographic
projections of the Republic of Croatia as well as with
the introduction and application of the T7D unique
transformation model that was launched in official use
on 31 March 2011, upon the decision by the
Director-General. There were many international invited
lecturers and interesting presentations.
Read the full report (pdf 993 kb) |