News in 2019

The FIG Governance 2021 Debate is soon to start!
July 2019

The FIG Task Force on Govenance 2021 is to set to go live in the
upcoming weeks- we have devised an interactive approach and will be
trailing a digitally communication platform, providing you with a means
to debate on strategic questions , information resources, and signposts
to thought leadership.
The first engagement will go live in August/September - At that
time, do please check the
Task Force GOV2021 home page where you will find details soon
on how to log on to the engagement platform.
It will be the first of a series of consutlations over the next 18
months held between the FIG working weeks (where a round table will be
scheduled). We aim to keep it innovative so our debates with you will
use a variety of on-line formats. The indicative ‘Road map of the
debating work packages (WP) can be found
here. An interim report will be presented at the FIG WW in
Amsterdam in 2020 with the final report in Gahan 2021.
Context: The world in 2019 is very different from
1800’s, when FIG was founded. As an organisation we have held
several reviews in the past; but now society is facing unprecedented
changes in our world. The impact of big data and artificial
intelligence, climate change, urbanisation on an unprecedented scale are
just a few of the challenges we now face.
What: The Task Force strategic question and/ or
outcome is to consider if the FIG governance framework (which includes
the administration and organisational structure) is effective, efficient
and dynamic so as to meet the future needs and expectations of members –
i.e. is it fit for the future.
How: As agreed at the FIG General Assembly in Hanoi
2019 - The current structure and function of FIG is to be evaluated, via
a participatory process. Why are adopting this larger consultative
process? Because effectively a crowdsourcing collaborative
approach means we are including you as a body of people (experts and
non- experts) to contribute to our defined project problem to benefit
from the wisdom of us all. We will also invite our key
stakeholders to this debating forum.
YYour influence and participation: All members may sign up to the web
platform where you can engage with the debate as it is ongoing. The
first posting at the end of July will outline the road map for the first
6 week debate. As a moderated, on-line discussion you will be able to
dip in-and-out, to make your own comments throughout the 6 week period
as more and more questions arise and views are shared.
The Task force looks forward to hearing your views during August and

Diane Dumashie
FIG Vice President, Chair FIG Task Force Governance 2021 /p>
July 2019