FIG Internal Task Forces

FIG Task Force on FIG Governance, 2019-22


Welcome to the Home page of FIG Task Force on the Future Governance and Management of FIG- called FIG 2021.  Here you will find a range of information relating to this Task Force including:

We are committed to keeping you informed and will be updating you on the deliberations in the upcoming FIG Newsletters and social media channels.

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General Assembly Session 3 - FIG Governance
25 June 2021 11:00-13:00 CEST
FIG Task Force on Governance report was presented incl the response from Council. There were discussions in breakout rooms on: The value of FIG to members; The FIG brand; and Young Surveyors transitioning.
Recording of the session (youtube)
Summaries from the three breakout rooms



Task Force Governance Webinar part I: General Assembly (43rd) presentation

Task Force Governance Webinar part II: Roundtable




The Task Force on Governance was established at the General Assembly 2019 during the FIG Working Week in Hanoi, Vietnam. Further to this there was a roundtable discussion.

September 2019 - February 2020

In the 2nd half of 2019, an online member consultation took place with a range of questions over the current structure of FIG; particularly the relationship with FIG statutes  including questions related to a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). Please find here the findings and analysis:

During the member consultation several questions on the structure and operations of FIG were raised, and therefore the Task Force core group have prepared a document to reply to some of the questions that were raised by members:

March 2020

As part of the consultation with FIG members additional ideas and comments were encouraged, asking them to consider their view of the changing industry landscape, the future trends and impacts.

April 2020

For FIG Working Week 2020, the Task Force had planned three debating platforms.  Starting with a debate at the General Assembly, it was planned to follow with a roundtable meeting in which specific questions were to be debated. In addition further discussions were to be held in the FIG Member Associations and Regional Bodies Forum. Unfortunately the Working Week 2020 and General Assembly, was cancelled due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

June 2020

Instead, the chair of the Task Force Vice President Diane Dumashie will prepare a video presentation of the findings and questions for debate and we hope that you will contribute to this debate. Look out for more information on this.

June 2021

Presentation of the final report to FIG General Assembly 2021 at a dedicated General Assembly session on 20 June 2021 at 12:00-14:00 CEST. Thee will be dedicated discussions in breakout rooms on: The value of FIG to members; The FIG brand; and Young Surveyors transitioning.

The members of the Task Force are:

Chair: Diane Dumashie


Time frame

The mandate of under 2 years for a full consultative exercise is a tight timeline; but informed by our TOR’s:

Chair - Dr Diane Dumashie FRICS, Vice-President, FIG



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