FIG Internal Task Forces

FIG Task Force on FIG Governance, 2019-22

 The FIG 2021 Governance Debate has now started!

Dear FIG Friends and Colleges

The FIG 2021 Governance Debate has now started!
And we invite you to start becoming involved by answering this short SWOT survey

do please:

Respond to this short 9 question survey here

Respond by 18th October so that we may use some of your good ideas in our first interim report

We are very much looking forward to engaging with you and Listen to your views! 

  • We agreed at our GA in Hanoi 2019), our terms of referenceFIG General Assembly has mandated Council to consider along with FIG stakeholders:
    ‘Are we organisationally, fit for the future’ if not ‘How do we become so’
    How we Managing uncertainty – The future (immediate or long term!) is uncertain, so to fully consider we need to adopt a ‘collective approach’
  • i.e. Without You and Your input we will not be able to look forward into our FIG future, a future that works for you and your member associations
  • This approach means together we will explore and predict, analyse our collective comments and the core team will then design a response to this complex problem
  • It is REALLY important that you do engage

There are series of consultations planned over the next 18 months held between the FIG working weeks and also scheduling further discussion at our Working weeks in the form of participatory Round table discussion.   

  • This announcement is the first step - to gain your initial views and ask you to complete a short 9 question- SWOT survey [the link is below].

A brief recap on what we discussed at the last FIG General Assembly…

I’d like to outline a ‘Road map of the debating dialogues over 18 months.   These include dialogues on areas that covers:

  • Organisational Structure meeting Stakeholder Member’s Needs:
  • Governance
  • Management/ Roles and Responsibilities:
  • People and Volunteering:

The Task Force core team has started to devise innovative and interactive conversations; but the first Stakeholder-wide dialogue to be rolled out at in October is on the topic:
Futures and Organisational Structure to meet Stakeholder Member’s Needs

Over the course of a 6 week period, engaging you and the entire membership Diane Dumashie and Pekka Halme will moderate this activity covering:

  1. Global Trending - Facts and challenges
  2. You and your needs from FIG
  3. Role of Professionals
  4. Overviewing past considerations
  5. SWOT analysis of FIG Governance framework

Please look out for further E news that will update you and our stakeholders on how to log into the interactive dialogue platform,

Regards, Diane on behalf of the core team

NB - Go to questionnaire: