Final technical
programme as a pdf-file
Sunday, October 3,
Permata II |
- by invitation only |
Monday, October 4,
Dua Mutiara II/III |
Opening Ceremony
- Welcome address by Leo Nardi
- Welcome address by Dr. Irawan Sumarto, Local Organising
- Welcome greetings from international partners
- Prof. Gerhard Beutler, President of the International
Association of Geodesy
- Prof. Yu Changxing, President of the International
Society for Mine Surveying, ISM
- Prof. Ferjan Ormeling, Secretary General of the
International Cartographic Association, ICA
- Ir. Rudolf W. Matindas, M.Sc., Head of BAKOSURTANAL: The
Contribution of Geospatial Data in Resolving Regional Issues
- Prof. Dr. Dorodjatum Kuntjoro-Jakti, Coordinating
Minister for Economic Affairs: Keynote Address
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
- Univ.-Prof. Holger Magel, President of FIG:
Surveying the
Future - Challenges for the Economic, Environmental and Social
Development in Urban and Rural Areas
- Opening of the Conference by Univ.-Prof. Holger Magel,
President of FIG
- Opening of the technical exhibition
Dua Mutiara II/III |
Plenary Session 1 – Surveying the Future – Indonesian
Chair: Ken Allred, Vice President Elect of FIG, Canada
Stephen Yip, Chair of FIG Commission 9, Hong Kong SAR, ChinaPS1.1 Prof. Ir. Lutfi Ibrahim Nasution, PhD, National Land Agency, Republic of Indonesia (BPN),
Indonesia: Status of the Implementation of the Bogor Declaration,
presented by Chaerul Basri Ahmad, Deputy for Land Information;
PS1.2 Suharno, S.H., MPM., Dr. Ir. Bambang Edhi Leksono, M. Sc.
and Ir. Iwan Kurniawan, M. App. Sc., Department of
Geodesy, ITB, Indonesia:
Towards the Accomplishment of Single
Identification Number in Indonesia
Dua Mutiara I |
TS 1 - Land Administration and Housing Issues in
Informal Environments
Commission: 7, 8 and 10
Chair: Tony S. Haroen, National Land Agency, Indonesia
Paul van der Molen, Chair of FIG Commission 7, The NetherlandsTS1.1 András Osskó (Hungary):
Creation Land Administration in
Formal and Informal Environment
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS1.2 Wafula Nabutola (Kenya):
Affordable Housing in Kenya:
Case Study of Policy on Informal Settlements
TS1.3 Stephen Djaba (Ghana): Proposed
Urban Land Information Management Systems in Ghana
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation TS1.4 Herman Soesangobeng (Indonesia):
The Possibility and Mode
of Registering Adat Title on Land
TS1.5 Christopher Sanga (Tanzania): Land Sector as an
Impediment to Mortgage Lending in Tanzania. This paper has not
been presented at the conference. |
Dua Mutiara II |
TS 2 - Spatial Information Management Promoting
Sustainable Development
Commission: 3
Chair: Moh. Dimyati, Department of Regional for Settlement and
Infrastructure (Kimpraswil), Indonesia
Rapporteur: Gerhard Muggenhuber, Chair of FIG Commission 3,
AustriaTS2.1 Aris Poniman, Nurwadjedi and Pago
Lumban-Tobing (Indonesia):
Developing the National Land Resource
Database for Supporting Spatial Land Use Planning, presented by
Bebas Purnawan, Indonesia
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS2.2 Puntodewo and Radjiman Nataprawira
Indonesian Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
Handouts of the powerpoint presentation TS2.3 Dodi Sukmayadi, Fahmi Amhar, Agung Adhibroto and
Agus Prijanto (Indonesia):
Geo-Spatial Database Design and
Implementation at the Mapping Center for Topographic & Spatial
Arrangement (PDRTR) of BAKOSURTANAL TS2.4 Rabin K. Sharma and Babu Ram Acharya (Nepal):
Spatial Data
Infrastructure for Prosperous Nepal. This paper has not been
presented at the conference. |
Dua Mutiara III |
TS 3 - Professionalism in Surveying and Commitment to
the Society
Commission: 1
Chair: Dietmar Sperling, Germany
Rapporteur: Michael Keller, SwitzerlandTS3.1 Michael Keller (Switzerland):
International Treaties and
Consultancy - and Their Effect on Land Management in Developing
Countries. What is the Role of FIG?
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS3.2 Agus H. Atmadilaga and Bebas Purnawan (Indonesia):
Certification of Surveyors in the Indonesian Surveyors Association
- Handouts
of the powerpoint presentation
TS3.3 Bob Curley and Spike Boydell (Fiji):
Regulation, Registration and Representation of Surveyors in the Pacific Islands
- Handouts of
the powerpoint presentation |
Dua Mutiara I |
TS 4 - Spatial Planning and the Community
Commission: 8
Diane Dumashie, Chair of FIG Commission 8, United Kingdom
Spike Boydell, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 8, FijiTS4.1 Spike Boydell (Fiji) and Matt McIntyre (Samoa):
for Sustainable Community Lifestyles – A Pacific Perspective
- Handouts of
the powerpoint presentation
TS4.2 Jaeik Liou (Korea):
Community Capacity Building to
Strengthen Socio-Economic Development with Spatial Asset Mapping
TS4.3 Babu Ram Acharya and Rabin K. Sharma (Nepal):
Approach to Promoting Decentralized Land Management in Nepal.
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
Dua Mutiara II |
TS 5 - e-Land Administration and e-Government
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Dudung Muhaly Hakim, Department of Geodesy, ITB,
András Osskó, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 7, HungaryTS5.1 Christiaan Lemmen, Paul van der Molen (The Netherlands)
and Gerda Schennach (Austria):
e-Land Administration: An
International Seminar in Innsbruck
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation TS5.2 Esben Munk Sørensen (Denmark):
Reorganizing Public
Access to Property Information by Remodelling and Standardization
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS5.3 Puntodewo, Bebas Purnawan and Sri Kusno Gularso
(Indonesia): The Status of On-Line Mapping Development in Indonesia
- Handouts of
the powerpoint presentation |
Dua Mutiara III |
TS 6 - Engineering Surveys
Commission: 6 and 5
Chair: Sumaryo, Department of Geodesy - UGM, Indonesia
Rapporteur: Ken Allred, Vice President Elect of FIG, CanadaTS6.1 Yu Changxing, President of the
International Society for Mine Surveying, ISM (China P.R.): Two New Fields of Mine
TS6.2 Wiweka, Aniati Murni and M. Natsir
(Indonesia): Segmentation Analysis of Hyperspectral Data in Green and
Road Infrastructures. This paper has not been presented in the
TS6.3 Samsul Hadi, Miftah Ruyani and T. A. Sanny (Indonesia):
Engineering Survey of Underground Utilities
- Blok M– Kota in DKI
Jakarta. This paper has been presented by Indra Sinaga,
TS6.4 Rochman Djaja, Jacub Rais, Hasanuddin Z
Abidin and Wedyanto Kuntjoro (Indonesia):
The Land
Subsidence of Jakarta Metropolitan
Area TS6.5 Joel
I. Igbokwe (Nigeria): Mapping of Regional Transportation Network
with Medium Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation |
Dua Mutiara II |
Plenary Session 2 – Surveying the Future –
Chair: Univ.-Prof. Holger Magel, President of FIG
Rapporteur: Ken Allred, Vice President Elect of FIG, CanadaPS2.1 Univ.-Prof.
Gerhard Beutler, President of IAG: Geodetic Infrastructure and
GNSS Developments - Basic Facts for Surveying Engineering and Policy
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
Tuesday, October 5,
Dua Mutiara II |
Plenary Session 3 – Contributions to the Sustainable
Future by Spatial Information Management
Chair: Sukendra Martha, Indonesia
Rapporteur: G. K. (Ken) Allred, Elected Vice President of FIG,
PS3.1 Mr. Pengiran Haji Matusin Matasan, Surveyor
General, Survey Department of Brunei Darussalam and PCGIAP Executive
Board Member on behalf of
Mr. Peter Holland, President of Permanent Committee on GIS
Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific (PCGIAP): Overview on PCGIAP
Activities and the Asia/Pacific Region
- Handouts of
the powerpoint presentation
PS3.2 Aris Poniman, BAKOSURTANAL, Indonesia: Spatial
Database Integration, presented by Erik van der Zee, Indonesia |
Dua Mutiara I |
TS 7 - Urban and Rural Land Management
Commission: 7 and 8
Chair: Bangun Mulyo Sukoco, ITS, Indonesia
Esben Munk Sørensen, DenmarkTS7.1 Bruce Keith and Charles Cowap (United Kingdom):
Recent Developments in Rural Land Administration in England, UK
TS7.2 Charles Cowap and Bruce Keith (United Kingdom):
Land Management in England (UK) – Development Lessons in the Context
of a Hierarchy of Human Needs
TS7.3 Bela Markus (Hungary):
GI Support for Land Consolidation
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation TS7.4 Simon Adcock (Australia):
The Importance of
Considering Alternative Uses and Methodology When Valuing/Appraising
Contaminated Sites
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation TS7.5 Waljiyanto, Waruno Suryohadi and Nurrochmat
Widjajanti (Indonesia):
Application of Finite Difference Method to
Develop Land Value Map
- Handouts of
the powerpoint presentation TS7.6 Sarah Blandy and David Parsons (United Kingdom):
Housing and the Private Residential Market
- Handouts of
the powerpoint presentation |
Dua Mutiara II |
TS 8 - Reference Frame in Practice
Commission: 5
Chair: Hasanuddin Z Abidin, Department of Geodesy-ITB, Indonesia
TS8.1 Cecep Subarya (Indonesia):
The Maintenance of Indonesia
Geodetic Control Network on the Earth Deforming Zones
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS8.2 Kosasih Prijatna (Indonesia):
A Local Quasigeoid Determination
Approach for Jawa Island (Indonesia)
TS8.3 Muhamad Kundarto and Sari Virgawati
(Indonesia): Soil Survey Using Grid System on Study of Land
Resources Potency for Agriculture Development |
Dua Mutiara III |
TS 9 - Marine Cadastre and Coastal Zone Management
Commission: 4 and 7
Chair: Adam Greenland, Chair of FIG Commission 4, United Kingdom
Budi Sulistio, Department of Marine and Fisheries, IndonesiaTS9.1 Johanes P. Tamtomo (Indonesia):
The Needs for Building
Concept and Authorizing Implementation of Marine Cadastre in Indonesia
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS9.2 M. Sigit Widodo (Indonesia):
Relationship of Marine
Cadastre and Marine Spatial Planning in Indonesia
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS9.3 Nuraini Rahma Hanifa, Eka
Djunarsjah and Ketut Wikantika (Indonesia):
Reconstruction of Maritime Boundary Between
Indonesia and Singapore Using Landsat-ETM Satellite Image. This
paper has not been presented in the conference. |
Dua Mutiara I |
TS 10 - Developing Land Administration Systems
Commission: 7
Chair: Erna Heryani, National Land Agency, Indonesia
Tor Valstad, NorwayTS10.1 Kate Dalrymple, Jude Wallace and Ian
Williamson (Australia):
Innovations in Rural Land Policy and
Tenure in Southeast Asia, presented by Sigit Widodo,
- Handouts of
the powerpoint presentation
TS10.2 Chairul Basri Achmad (Indonesia):
Building Physical
Cadastre: A New Approach for Speeding-up the Land Registration
Processes in Indonesia
TS10.3 M. Tony S. Haroen, Embun Sari, Kalvin Sembiring, Budiyono
and Ketut Ari Sucaya (Indonesia):
Cadastral Systems in
Jakarta – Building the Spirit of the Road to a Spatial Data
TS10.4 Punya Prasad Oli (Nepal):
Ups and Down of Nepalese
Cadastre. This paper has not been presented at the conference.
TS10.5 Paul van der Molen (The Netherlands):
Some Micro Economic
Aspects of Land Ownership
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS10.6 Ghazali Desa and Majid Kadir (Malaysia):
Social and Economic Impacts of Coordinated Cadastral System Implementations
in Peninsular Malaysia. This paper has not been presented at the
conference. |
Dua Mutiara II |
TS 11 - Professional Education
Commission: 2
Chair: Lukman T. Aziz, Department of Geodesy - ITB, Indonesia
Bela Markus, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 2, HungaryTS11.1 Bela Markus (Hungary):
Future Education - FIG
Commission 2 Perspectives
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS11.2 Ferjan Ormeling (The Netherlands):
Map Use Education
and Geovisualisation
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS11.3 Sopha Soun (Cambodia) and Pertti Onkalo (Finland):
Development of Curriculum for the
Land Management and Land Tenure Programs in Cambodia
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS11.4 Stig Enemark (Denmark):
Building the Competences of
the Future. Designing and Implementing a New Curricula in Surveying
at Aalborg University, Denmark
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation TS11.5 Francis A. Fajemirokun and Olusegun T. Badejo
(Nigeria): A New Curriculum for Surveying Education in Nigeria
Dua Mutiara III |
TS 12 - Panel Discussion – What Services FIG, IAG and
PCGIAP Should Provide to Asia and the Pacific
Commission: 4, 5, 6
Ken Allred, Vice President Elect of FIG, Canada
Adam Greenland, Chair of FIG Commission 4, United KingdomIntroduction remarks
- Dr. Azhari bin Mohamed, Dept. Of Survey and Mapping
Malaysia, on behalf of Dato Hamid Ali, Director General, Dept
of Survey and Mapping Malaysia, Executive Board Member of PCGIAP:
Introduction Remarks
- Bebas Purnawan and Cecep Subarya, Bakosurtanal,
- Dr. Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Jurusan Teknik Geodesi-ITB,
Indonesia, representative of the academic institutions
- Prof. Gerhard Beutler, President of IAG
- Adam Greenland, Chair of FIG Commission 4
Permata VI/VII |
Commission 3 Annual Meeting |
Dua Mutiara I |
TS 13 - Land Administration in Post-Conflict Areas
Commission: 7
Chair: Irawan Sumarto, Department of Geodesy - ITB, Indonesia
András Osskó, Chair Elect of Commission 7, HungaryTS13.1 Paul van der Molen and Christiaan Lemmen (The Netherlands):
Land Administration in Post Conflict Areas
- Handouts
of the powerpoint presentation
TS13.2 Tor Valstad (Norway):
Institution Building in Kosovo – Failure or Success?
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation TS13.3 Jennifer Whittal (South Africa) and Michael
Barry (Canada): Fiscal Cadastral Reform and the Implementation
of CAMA in Cape Town
- Handouts of
the powerpoint presentation TS13.4 John Blair (Canada): Land Titling in Cambodia –
Overcoming Land Mine Issues,
presented by Francisco Gonçalves, Indonesia
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation TS13.5 Benjamin E. Kesi Prah (Ghana):
The Cadastral LIS as a
Tool for Conflict Resolution in Rural Communities of Ghana – A Case
Study, presented by Stephen Djaba, Ghana |
Dua Mutiara II |
TS 14 - Positioning and Measurement – GNSS Applications
Commission: 5
Chair: Cecep Subarya, BAKOSURTANAL, Indonesia
Pago Lumban-Tobing, BAKOSURTANAL, IndonesiaTS14.1 Vincent Lui (Hong Kong SAR, China):
An Innovative Concept to
Manage GPS Reference Stations Network and RTK Data Distribution
TS14.2 Israel Quintanilla García, José Luis Berné-Valero, Aurea Gallego Salguero and Juan Ignacio Latorre Romero
(Spain): Analysis of the Track Competition Vehicles with High
Accuracy Positioning
TS14.3 Mustafa D. Subari and Khairudin Anuar
(Malaysia): Experiencing the Use of GPS-RTK for Cadastre Surveys in
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS14.4 Israel Quintanilla García, Cuenca Carlos Sancho and
José Luis Berné-Valero (Spain):
Design of Couriers Optimising
System with Storage and Transportation Recognizement and Special
Tracking TS14.5 Andrew Hunter, Naser El-Sheimy and
Gordon Stenhouse (Canada):
Grizzly Camera for Habitat Use
Analysis. This paper has not been presented in the conference. |
Dua Mutiara III |
TS 15 - Hydrography
Commission: 4
Chair: Agus Santoso, BAKOSURTANAL, Indonesia
Adam Greenland, Chair of FIG Commission 4, United KingdomTS15.1 Poerbandono and Roberto Mayerle (Indonesia):
of Approaches for Converting Acoustic Echo Intensity into Suspended
Sediment Concentration
- Handouts
of the powerpoint presentation
TS15.2 Abdul Basith (Indonesia):
Tidal Solution along Topex/Poseidon
Track Near Prigi Tidal Station
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS15.3 Mustafa D Subari and M. Saupi Che Awang
(Malaysia): GNSS Radiobeacon Service Availability Study:The SISPELSAT
TS15.4 Kenneth Barbor (USA):
The International
Hydrographic Organization Posturing for the Future. This paper was
not presented in the conference.
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation TS15.5 Rushi Ridwan (Indonesia):
Hydrographic Activities of the Indonesian Hydrographic Office
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation |
Permata VI/VII |
Commission 8 Regional Meeting
- Open meeting for all interested participants
- Commission 8 WG 8.3 meeting at 16:00 |
Dua Mutiara II |
Plenary Session 4 – Developing Asia and the Pacific –
The World Bank Financed Land Administration Projects and Principles
Moderator: Paul van der Molen, Chair of FIG Commission 7,
The Netherlands
Rapporteur: Keith Bell, Land Sector Coordinator for East Asia
Pacific Region, World Bank, EASRD
Introduction Remarks
PS4.1 Stig Enemark (Denmark): Capacity Assessment and
Development for Sustainable Land Administration Infrastructures
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
PS4.2 Keith Bell, Land Sector Coordinator for East Asia
Pacific Region, The World Bank: Land Policies and Overall Development
Agenda in East Asia (Indonesia, Lao, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines,
Thailand and China)
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
Case Studies
PS4.3 Erna Heryani (Indonesia) and Chris Grant (Australia):
Land Administration in Indonesia
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
PS4.4 Lor Davuth (Cambodia) and Pertti Onkalo (Finland):
Participation Supporting Cost Effective Surveying Methods
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation |
Wednesday, October 6,
Dua Mutiara II |
Plenary Session 5 – Enhancing the Surveying Profession
Chair: Prof. Bela Markus, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 2, Hungary
Prof. Stig Enemark, Elected Vice President of FIG,
PS5.1 Prof. Stig Enemark, Vice President Elect of FIG, Denmark:
Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications - Developing a
Concept Tailored for the Surveying Profession
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
PS5.2 Frances Plimmer (United Kingdom):
Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications: The European
Union System. This paper has not been presented at the
PS5.3 Teo Chee Hai, Association of Authorised Land Surveyors
Malaysia and M. Nagarajan, Ministry of International Trade and
Industry Malaysia: Mutual Recognition of Surveying Qualification
within the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services
- Handouts of
the powerpoint presentation |
Dua Mutiara I |
TS 16 - Disaster Management
Commission: 8, 5, 6 and 3
Chair: Spike Boydell, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 8, United Kingdom
Nurwajedi, BAKOSURTANAL, IndonesiaTS16.1 Reinfried Mansberger and Gerhard Muggenhuber
(Austria): Spatial Information For Risk Management
Handouts of the powerpoint presentation
TS16.2 Frank Friesecke (Germany):
Precautionary and Sustainable
Flood Protection in Germany – Strategies and Instruments of Spatial
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS16.3 G. K. Allred (Canada):
Facilities –The Need for Accurate Records in an Expanding Society
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS16.4 Wafula Nabutola (Kenya):
Risk and Disaster Management – a
Case Study in Nairobi, Kenya
TS16.5 Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Rochman Djaja, H.
Andreas, M. Gamal (Indonesia), K. Hirose and
Y. Maruyama (Japan):
Capabilities and Constraints of Geodetic
Techniques for Monitoring Land Subsidence in the Urban Areas of
- |
Dua Mutiara II |
TS 17 - GNSS Data Processing
Commission: 5
Chair: Pago L. Tobing, BAKOSURTANAL, Indonesia
Rapporteur: TS17.1 Md Nor Kamarudin and Zulkarnaini Mat Amin
(Malaysia): Multipath Error Detection Using Different GPS Receiver's
- Handouts of
the powerpoint presentation
TS17.2 Wang Shuang-xi and Xu Jian (China):
Using Float
Ambiguities with Application to Decimeter-level – Real-time Kinematic
Positioning. This paper has not been presented at the conference. TS17.3 Agustan and W. E. Featherstone (Indonesia):
Reprocessing the Western
Australian Statefix Geodetic GPS Network Using Commercial Software.
This paper has not been presented at the conference. TS17.4 Tayeb Tachallaït, El Hassan Benaïm, Mohamed Boulmers
and Mohamed El Gaaidi (Morocco):
Developpement d’une
Nouvelle Methode de Traitement des Observations GPS. This paper
has not been presented at the conference. |
Dua Mutiara III |
TS 18 - Workshop on Mutual Recognition
Chair: Prof. Stig Enemark, Vice President Elect, Denmark,
Diah Kirana, BAKOSURTANAL, IndonesiaIntroduction remarks
- Teo Chee Hai, Secretary General of ASEAN FLAG
- Stig Enemark, Vice President Elect of FIG
- G.K. (Ken) Allred, Canada: Mutual Recognition from the
American and NAFTA Perspective
Dua Mutiara I |
TS 19 - Disaster Management – Technical Solutions and
Case Studies
Commission: 5, 6, 3 and 8
Chair: Diane Dumashie, Chair of Commission8, United Kingdom
Frank Friesecke, GermanyTS19.1 B Santoso Dipokusumo and T. Lukman Aziz
(Indonesia): The Use of Small Format Aerial Photography in Disaster
Management (Case of Cililin Area Landslide in West Jawa) TS19.2 Craig Roberts, Cedric Seynat, Chris Rizos
and Graeme Hooper (Australia):
Low-cost Deformation Measurement
System for Volcano Monitoring. This paper has not been presented
at the conference.
TS19.3 Hsing-Chung Chang, Linlin Ge and Chris Rizos
(Australia): Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining Subsidence by
Using Spaceborne Radar Interferometry.This paper has not been
presented at the conference. TS19.4 Pham Viet Hoa (Vietnam):
Use of Remote Sensing and
GIS Technology for Monitoring and Assessment of Flooding Status at
the Coastal Zone in the Central Part of Vietnam. This paper has
not been presented at the conference. |
Dua Mutiara II |
TS 20 - The Integration of SIM for Customers Benefit
Commission: 3
Chair: Nana Supriyatna, Army Topographic Directorate, Indonesia
Kari Strande, NorwayTS20.1 Andrew Bashfield (Australia):
Map Your Files and File
Your Maps: Managing the Infrastructure Data that GIS Cant Manage.
This paper has not been presented in the conference.
TS20.2 Humayun Sarkar (India):
Study of Landcover and
Population Density Influences on Urban Heat Island in Tropical Cities
by Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Methodological Consideration
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS20.3 Zainal Abdul Majeed (Malaysia) and David Parker (United
Kingdom): Geographic Information System (GIS) for Managing Survey Data
to the Development of GIS-Ready Information.
This paper has not been presented in the conference.
TS20.4 Wiwin Ambarwulan and T. W. Hobma (Indonesia):
Bio-optical Model for Mapping Spatial Distribution of Total Suspended
Matter from Satellite Imagery
- Handouts of
the powerpoint presentation
TS20.5 Hadi Purwanto and M. Nurandi (Indonesia):
& Spatial Information System for Oil & Gas Trunk Line Management: A
Distributed and Real-Time System and Monitoring.
This paper has not been presented in the conference. |
Dua Mutiara III |
TS 21 - Valuation and Taxation
Commission: 9 and 7
Chair: Subaryono, Dept of Geodesy, UGM, Indonesia
Simon Adcock, Vice Chair of FIG Commission 9, Australia
TS21.1 Simon Adcock (Australia): A Global Commercial Lease for
a New Century
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS21.2 Heri Sutanta and Sularno (Indonesia):
A Prototype
of SVG Map of Land and Building Tax Objects in Indonesia
- Handouts of
the powerpoint presentation
TS21.3 Riantini Virtriana, Iwan Kurniawan and Bambang
Edhi Leksono (Indonesia):
A Model of Single Value of Property for Multipurposes (SVPM) Based on Government’s Tax Value Approach - Case of Antapani Kidul Housing, Municipality of Bandung, Indonesia
TS21.4 Firman Hadi, Ketut Wikantika and Irawan Sumarto
(Indonesia): Implementation of Forest Canopy Density Model to Monitor
Forest Fragmentation in Mt. Simpang and Mt. Tilu Nature Reserves, West
Java, Indonesia
TS21.5 Subaryono and Lukito E. N. (Indonesia):
of the Development of Land Information Systems in the Directorate of
Land and Building Taxes Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia.
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
TS21.6 Subaryono and Rochmad Muryamto (Indonesia):
Assessing the Potential of Land and Building Tax Database as a Basis
for Developing Multipurpose Land Information Systems in Indonesia.
This paper has not been presented at the conference. TS21.7 Kauko Viitanen (Finland):
Compulsory Purchase as an
Administrative Procedure - Based on Finnish Legislation and
Experiences. This paper has not been presented at the conference. |
Dua Mutiara I |
TS 22 - New Development and Applications for Imagery
Commission: 5, 3 and 7
Chair: Dodi Sukmayadi, BAKOSURTANAL, Indonesia
Arifin Tjekiagus, PT EXSA, IndonesiaTS22.1 Firman Hadi, Ketut Wikantika, Oki Gumilar
and Irawan Sumarto (Indonesia):
The Assessment of Atmospheric
Correction in Landsat-TM Due to Topographic Effects
TS22.2 Sugianto, Ray Merton and Shawn Laffan
(Australia): An Overview of the CHRIS/PROBA Mission: A New Generation of Multi-Angle
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Its Application to Agriculture
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS22.3 Catur Aries Rokhmana (Indonesia):
Some Enhancement in Processing
Aerial Videography Data for 3D Corridor Mapping
TS22.4 Halim Setan, Mohd Sharuddin Ibrahim and Ismail
M’arof (Malaysia):
Applications of Digital Photogrammetric Systems for Dimensional
Measurement and 3D Modelling
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation
TS22.5 Sugianto, Ray Merton, Shawn Laffan and
Jon Huntington (Australia):
A Multi-Angular and Multi-Temporal
Study Using CHRIS Hyperspectral Imagery
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation TS22.6 Halim Setan, Zulkepli Majid and Deni Suwardi
(Malaysia): The Development of Image Capturing System and Information
System for Craniofacial Reconstruction
- Handouts of the
powerpoint presentation TS22.7 Håkon Andresen (Norway/Indonesia):
Efficient and
Well-Documented Digital Orthophoto Production from Airborne
Dua Mutiara II |
TS 23 - Applied Spatial Information Management
Commission: 3
Chair: Irawan Sumarto, Dept. of Geodesy, ITB, Indonesia
Rapporteur: Kari Strande, Vice Chair of FIG Commission 3,
NorwayTS23.1 Heri Sutanta and Sularno
(Indonesia): A Prototype of SVG Map of Land and Building Tax Objects
in Indonesia. This paper has not been presented at the conference.
TS23.2 Subaryono and Lukito E.N. (Indonesia):
Assessment of the Development of Land Information Systems in the
Directorate of Land and Building Taxes Ministry of Finance Republic
of Indonesia. This paper has not been presented at the conference.
TS23.3 Subaryono and Rochmad Muryamto (Indonesia):
Assessing the Potential of Land and Building Tax Database as a Basis
for Developing Multipurpose Land Information Systems in Indonesia
TS23.4 Wikanti Asriningrum (Indonesia):
Approach to Identifying Small Island Characteristics Using Landsat
Data – Case Study: Pari and Belakangsedih Archipelago. This paper has not been presented at the conference. |
Dua Mutiara III |
TS 24 - Different Perspectives to Surveying
Chair: Nurwadjedi, BAKOSURTANAL, Indonesia
Ken Allred, Vice President Elect of FIG, CanadaTS24.1 John Brock (Australia):
Cook-Bligh-Flinders-King: The Quadrilogy of Master Mariners
TS24.2 John Brock (Australia):
Hollywood Movie Surveyors:
The “R” Rated Version |
Permata VI/VII |
Working Group 8.4 - Risk Management
Chair: Frank Friesecke, GermanyOpen meeting of the WG 8.4 |
Dua Mutiara II |
Closing Ceremony
Chair: Sobar Sutisna, President of the Indonesian Surveyors
AssociationUniv.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Magel, President of
FIG: Summary of the 3rd FIG Regional Conference and the Jakarta
Statement |
Thursday, October 7, 2004 |
07:00-17:00 |
Full-day Technical Tour |
© International Federation of
Surveyors, 2004 |