Commission 7 Annual Meeting |

Preparations of Annual Meeting.

Paul van der Molen, Chair of Commission 7 opens the meeting. |

Conference room. |

András Osskó, Vice Chair of Commission 7. |

Christiaan Lemmen, Vice Chair of Commission 7. |

During the meeting. |

Jurij Reek, President of the
Slovenian Association of Surveyors. |

Roman Rener, Slovenia.

Boena Lipej, Slovenia.

András Osskó, Hungary and Boena Lipej,
Slovenia. |

Ale untar, Director IGEA Company; Slovenia. |

Toma Petek, Slovenia. |

Duan Petrovič, University of Ljubljana. |

Impression of the meeting. |

Mouen Sayegh, Department of Lands and Survey (DLS), Jordan. |

Sameer Al-Abbadi, Department of Lands and Survey (DLS),
Jordan. |

András Osskó, Hungary. |

Leiv Bjarte Mjoes, Norway. |

Dimo Todorovski, Republic of Macedonia. |

Puthiyavalappil Rajasekhar, India. |

Jiri Rydval, Czech Republic.

Leiv Bjarte Mjoes, Norway and Gyula Iván, Hungary. |

Mika-Petteri Törhönen, FAO. |

Daniel Steudler, Switzerland. |

Kevin Daugherty, ESRI. |

Marc Vanderschueren, Belgium. |

Richard Grover, United Kingdom.

Marc Vanderschueren, Belgium and Christiaan Lemmen. |

Alexander Sagaydak, Moscow State University of Land
Management, Russia. |

Yvonne Müller, GTZ, Montenegero.

Jose Pedro Neto, Portugal. |

Conrad Tang and Roman Rener, Slovenia. |

Signe Rudzite, Latvia. |

Mara Rozenberga, Latvia. |

Rimantas Ramanauskas, Lithuania. |

Velibor Vitor, Bosnia and Herzegovina. |

Zvonko Nogolica, Law Offices Nogolica, Croatia. |

Signe Rudzite, Latvia and Toma Petek, Slovenia. |

Francois Gäbele, Belgium. |

Francois Gäbele, Belgium. |

Invitation to Korea - Moowon Kim. |

Invitation to Italy - Domenico Romanelli and Mirko
Guaralda. |

Bruno Razza, Italy.

Pauline van Elsland, Domenico Romanelli and Bruno Razza from
Italy. |

Christiaan Lemmen, the Netherlands and Richard Grover, UK. |

Francois Gäbele, Belgium.
Pictures from the Symposium in Celje |

Boena Lipej, Slovenia. |

Christiaan Lemmen, Commission 7 |

Richard Grover, United Kingdom. |

Winfried Hawerk, Germany. |

Audience at the Symposium in Celje. |