Picture Gallery
Expert Group Meeting on Secure Land Tenure:
'New legal frameworks and tools'

Picture Gallery of the Expert Group Meeting on Secure Land Tenure:
'New legal frameworks and tools'

UN-Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya
10 - 12 November 2004

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UN-logo at the entrance of the UN-Gigiri compound.

Group picture of the delagtes outside the UN Headquarters in Gigiri.

Nairobi City.

Entrance UN-building

Preparations Expert Group Meeting.

András Osskó (Hungary) during the opening session

Daniel Biau, Deputy Executive Director of UN-Habitat (Kenya).

Maria-Waltraud Rabitsch, Austrian Development Agency (ADA) (Austria)

Cyprian Kirera Riungu, CASLE (Kenya)

Paul van der Molen, Chair FIG Commission 7 (The Netherlands)

Ibrahim Njiru Mwathane, Chair ISK (Kenya)

Joshua Orwa Ojode, Deputy Minister for Land and Settlements (Kenya)

Alain Durand Lasserve (France)

Clarissa Augustinus (Kenya)

Lillian Njenga (Kenya)

Rosalie Kingwill (South Africa)

Søren Fauerholm Christensen (Denmark)

Carole Rakodi (United Kingdom)

Solomon Abebe-Haile (Ethiopia)

Richard Oput

Cyprian Selebalo

Jude Wallace

Phillipe Lavigne Delville (France)

Dylan Rawlins (South Africa)

Paul van der Molen (The Netherlands)

Christiaan Lemmen (The Netherlands)

Kombo Mwero (Kenya)

Jennifer Whittal (South Africa)

Lusugga Kironde (Tanzania)

Alick Mwanza (Zambia)

Naomi Mukora (Kenya) and Pauline van Elsland

Eugène Rurangwa (Rwanda)

Fortune Kachamba (Zambia)

Gordon Wayumba (Kenya)

Carlos Trindade (Mozambique)

Jukka Nieminen (Finland)

Emmanuel Tembo (Botwana)

Benita Nordin (Kenya)

Clarissa Augustinus and Christiaan Lemmen

ISK dinner at Bomas of Kenya

ISK dinner at Bomas of Kenya

Entertainment at Bomas of Kenya

Speech Clarissa Augustinus at Bomas of Kenya