Quo Vadis - International Conference
FIG Working Week 2000, 21-26 May, Prague


The Development of the Surveyor's Profession in Italy

by Geom. Gianfranco Morocutti


We live in the so-called "post industrial" era in which there is a shift from the fields of "manufacturing" towards those of "intellectual work" - which expand by means of associations or merely by the proliferation of "knowledge workers", who offer themselves as service bodies aiming to satisfy the needs of the global market.

The new professional system offers an ever greater supply of intellectual service networks, with a consequent creation of circulating capital in regional markets and at an international level. The client plays an active part in the process of development of new strategies and services which contribute in a important manner in determining the qualitative characteristics of the service product and the characteristics of price with a fair balance between costs and benefits.

The market therefore tends to turn towards those professionals who are capable of creatively using the various know-hows applied to the fields of knowledge and services.

It is then the market which creates the necessary mechanisms for development of the economic system, making use of the professional services at various levels.

In the light of the changes and the proposals for reform which are underway, it will be necessary even for the surveyor to adjust or model him/herself, possibly according also to the expectations of the sector - even if it is known that the future model of the Italian Surveyor will not follow exactly that of the past.

The future of the Italian Surveyor is tied, as is also that of its European counterpart, to a constant updating of the knowledge of data and systems which modern society requires for the management of the country, land property and real estate. The Surveyor is also required to have the ability to work in exclusive contexts as well as in interdisciplinary systems.

Real estate, land property and land are in general subject to measurement, evaluation, protection, transfer and transformation. It is necessary to add new services to the typical professional services of the past, since these are requested by the market in an interdisciplinary and integrated manner in both a social and professional context - where "partnership" prevails over "leadership".

Geom. Gianfranco Morocutti
Consiglio Nazionale Geometri
Via Barberini, 68
00187 Roma
E-mail: morocutti@tin.it

The Development of the Surveyor's Profession in Italy

We live in the so-called "post industrial" era in which there is a shift from the fields of "manufacturing" towards those of "intellectual work" - which expand by means of associations or merely by the proliferation of "knowledge workers", who offer themselves as service bodies aiming to satisfy the needs of the global market.

The new professional system offers an ever greater supply of intellectual service networks, with a consequent creation of circulating capital in regional markets but and at an international level. The client plays an active part in the process of development of new strategies and services which contribute in a important manner in determining the qualitative characteristics of the service product and the characteristics of price with a fair balance between costs and benefits.

The market therefore tends to turn towards those professionals who are capable of creatively using the various know-hows applied to the fields of knowledge and services.

It is then the market which creates the necessary mechanisms for development of the economic system, making use of the professional services at various levels.

In the light of the changes and the proposals for reform which are underway, it will be necessary even for the Surveyor to adjust or model himself, possibly according also to the expectations of the sector - even if in the knowledge that the future model of the Italian Surveyor will not follow exactly that of the past.

The future of the Italian Surveyor is tied, as is also that of its European counterpart, to a constant updating of the knowledge of data and systems which modern society requires for the management of the country, landed property and real estate. The Surveyor is also required to have the ability to work in exclusive contexts as well as in interdisciplinary systems.

Real estate, landed property and land are in general subject to measurement, evaluation, protection, transfer and transformation. It is necessary to add new services to the typical professional services of the past, since these are requested by the market in an interdisciplinary and integrated manner in both a social and professional context - where "partnership" prevails over "leadership".


The "Service Free Performance" from the 3rd Title, art. 59 of the Rome Treaty is the governing principle of the EU profession Charters. Only some activities involving certain public affairs, that are common in all Member States, were dealt by some specific directives aiming to harmonize the different national laws. The problems, which the EEC faced in trying to harmonize the Member State laws, modified the EEC approach which takes now in account the difference among the national Charters and defines an unified system of mutual recognition of the national education titles.

The nr. 48/89 and 51/92 EEC Directives, by introducing the mutual title recognition, were intended to facilitate the professional people to free circulate throughout the whole EEC territory. The State Examination (existing in Italy at present) might be cancelled as restricting the free circulation of the professional people within the EU area and having to be probably replaced by the so called Quality Certificate at short terms.

Though the various European Charters show strong differences among them, their governing principles may be grouped in two main classes, and namely:

  • CHARTERED ACTIVITIES, under the Civil Law, that need special requirements to be admitted and carried out, such a Professional Roll entry, a State examination, etc. A chartered activity shall be under the management and the control of special bodies, pertaining to the Governments or formally recognised by them; and
  • FREE ACTIVITIES, under the Common Law, which everybody may carry out freely without being member of any professional roll or body, recognized by the Governments formally.


Recently the future of the surveyor activity might appear as having a high uncertainty level, though the prevailing opinion seems to confirm the need that this profession has to continue, not only as it contributed strongly to the Italian development and growth since 1929 up today, but also a general agreement exists upon the Italian market requirement for technicians other than architects or graduated in Civil Engineering.

Another spontaneous question is whether a future society need exists for a professional character as the surveyor, specially in the frame of the Italian Government Agencies, where a number of surveyors are employed, or the present surveyor tasks must be shared or revised necessarily. In a not too far past, the prevailing land culture made the surveyor, as a rural physician or a midwife, a reference character; now, such characters are seen under a different point of view, due to the changement of the present and future society requirements, that are addressed to unify and globalize the markets and the services.

The future of the Surveyor is partly correlated with the professional Rolls reform which sees bill n° 5092 (Mirone Art.) submitted to the Chamber of Deputies, since several months ago. The bill confirms the will to maintain the roll system and revisit it too in the light of the new requirements.


When looking for a model of the next Italian surveyor, some typical European model, such as the British Surveyors or the Belgian and French Géomètres, are to be taken in account, as some their peculiarities shall characterize also the new Italian surveyor.

According to a sentence of the President of the Surveyor International Federation (FIG), Peter Dale, at the Brighton Congress in 1998, - "...The Surveyors are a mechanism able to put in touch the Public Administration, the firms and the citizens..."

The same opinion was also expressed by Giuseppe De Rita, President of the Italian Committee for the Economy and the Work (CNEL), who observed at the Italian Surveyor Congress in Florence that "...a surveyor is a technician able to put in touch the Land Register and the Tax Authorities with the citizens...".

Finally, a surveyor was defined a "relational" technician both in Europe and in Italy.

In the following the activity fields are listed within which a surveyor is entitled to perform:

  • BUILDING - design and work management, building yard technical management, works accounting, price analysis, building management, safety at yards and workplaces, building, urban, expert and judicial advice;
  • CADASTRE-TOPOGRAPHY - land, topography and building surveys, land and environment management, advice on real estates;
  • ESTIMATE - real estate estimates, value analysis, damage from natural disasters appreciation.

A medium-high training level is required by the surveyors, who are the "transmission belt" among the various systems in the frame of the present society, in order to satisfy a number of requirements.


According to the most common forecasts, the surveyors shall more and more operate in partnership instead of their present prevailing autonomous mode.

The last reform in Italy (Bassanini) caused the professional people of the public sector to be involved in designing and carrying out projects more than in the past.


At short term:

  • start of a specific "category marketing" towards new alliances that are opened to innovator markets;
  • dealing about "Surveyor, Engineer, Architect" sector having specified peculiarities;
  • at medium term:

establishment of free schools or training centres managed by the Charters (Rolls and/or Associations), complete with teleconference systems to be connected with all EU countries.

Geom. Gianfranco Morocutti
Consiglio Nazionale Geometri
E-mail: morocutti@tin.it

28 April 2000

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