FIG Foundation - Building a Sustainable Future

Report from Jean Pierre HABIYAREMYE

FIG Foundation Young Surveyor Grant Recipient to attend the FIG Congress 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey

“I really appreciate your support you have given me as FIG Foundation, it has helped me to increase my knowledge, my network and to become global.  Many Thanks for that”


I would like to share with you what I have gained in 2018 FIG Congress and FIG Young Surveyors Meeting.

During attending my first FIG congress and FIG Young Surveyors Network meeting there are many things I have gained as follows :

In the Young Surveyors network meeting I have raised my networking where I have gained more new friends from different countries that continue to help me in my career until now.

I have gained how I can organize any event and then I have applied what I have learned in FIG YOUNG SURVEYORS NETWORK MEETING to prepare a General Assembly of Rwanda Organization of Land Surveyors last Year which has been successful meeting in my country as Surveyors Organization.

I have self-confidence which is one of the fruit from FIG General Assembly and FIG YOUNG SURVEYORS NETWORK MEETING.  Through my new Mentors gained during FIG General Assembly now I have become more familiar to take a speech in Public before it was not easy for me. 

After FIG General Assembly,  I have also participated in the First meeting of African Young Surveyors where I have made a presentation and sharring experience we have in Rwanda where me and Tharcille we have initiated  Rwandan Young Surveyors network. And I have created a group WhatsApp for making together all Young Surveyors of my country. Now I have around 150 Young Surveyors group members but I am planning to increase the number through Sensibilization and attracting Young Surveyors to be in the network  community.

From that event also many Surveyors from my country have credibility of me to be one of their Leaders.

Other  more important things is that I have become FIG Correspondent Member in Rwanda, from this Opportunity I must continue to fight until in FIG Community we will have Rwanda Organization of Land Surveyors that I am the one of founder and also now I am Secretary of that Organization. Now I can be a good leader especially I can be organizer of any conference or meeting, this encouragement and confidence are the fruits from FIG Young Surveyors network meeting and FIG GENERAL ASSEMBLY.

In General I have gained many things but more important are more friends, knowledge on GLTN. My network has increased until now as my dream is to become international Surveyor I will try to participate in other FIG events if my  Finance issues are not too bad.

I need to continue to encourage all Surveyors to be a part of FIG active member. 

I really appreciate your support you have given me as FIG Foundation, it has helped me to increase my knowledge, my network and to become global.  Many Thanks for that.

Now I am preparing to attend FIG WORKING WEEK AT VIETNAM in two weeks using my own registration fees and accommodation, it was not easy to take this decision but because I highly like FIG as one Family , I am sure that I will get a lot of experience and knowledge from that. I want to a good surveyor so, I need also your deepest support in different ways you may choose good one which will help me in my career either increasing my studies, more training and also the works.


From left: Cemre Sahinkaya, Turkey, Jean-Pierre Habiyaremye, Rwanda, Ana Julia Herrera Gonzalez, Costa Rica, John Hohol, President, FIG Foundation, Eva-Maria Unger, Chair, FIG Young Surveyors Network,   James Quick, United Kingdom and Mudit Kapoor, India.

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