FIG Foundation - Building a Sustainable Future

Report from Ana Julia HERRERA GONZALEZ

FIG Foundation Young Surveyor Grant Recipient to attend the FIG Congress 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey

“Honestly, having attended the FIG 2018 Congress and the FIG Young Surveyor Network Meeting has been the best experience of my entire life. Not only because I traveled from the other side of the world and what that could mean for me, but because these two events completely exceeded my expectations. ”

Group photo of the participants of the 4th FIG Young Surveyors Conference

It was very interesting to know the vision and projects of colleagues from other countries and understand that although we all advance at different steps, we have had or have the same challenges, be it educational, work or technologically speaking, among others.

Having been in the General Assembly for a while was something impressive for me that made me wonder why my country was not present and what can I do to make that different?

I could also understand the importance of the work carried out by the FIG Commissions and I hope that the countries of the Americas will be increasingly integrated into these working groups, for which I believe that the role of us young people who are part of the Network is key since we can promote ideas from the groups of students through tools and knowledge acquired in the Youth Meeting, which seemed to me, not only an energizing, dynamic and fun activity but also an experience that allowed me to meet many people, Make friends and create contacts. In addition, which I left with great desire to create a network in my country and strengthen it more and more, with the hope that one day we can work together with countries in the region, cover the Caribbean and grow to cover all America.

So in summary with this scholarship, I not only won a great trip, the entrance to these magnificent events, the meeting and experiences with different cultures, new friends and many new photos for my albums but also challenges, concerns, new projects and much desire to work.

Julia Herrera
Costa Rica

From the top left corner: James Quick, United Kingdom and Cemre Sahinkaya, Turkey
From the bottom left corner: Mudit Kapoor, India, Ana Julia Herrera Gonzalez, Costa Rica and Jean-Pierre Habiyaremye, Rwanda

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