Call for Papers


The climate crisis represents the single greatest challenge humankind faces to ensure our planet remains sustainable and our people remain resilient. The UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is universal, transformative, and rights-based. It is an ambitious plan of action that inspires global society to think creatively and critically rethink the way we approach the development challenges of today.This theme underpins the FIG Council’s vision of sustainability over the term 2023- 2026. additionally, FIG provides a platform to raise awareness,  inform and inspire the FIG community on the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.

Because of the importance of climate change to the global community and the 2030 Agenda, FIG wishes to examine and actively promote the engagement and role that surveyors and land practitioners can play in contributing to the climate change agenda and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. FIG wishes to lead its members so that they can fully understand, articulate and use their expertise and knowledge to tackle the important challenges in climate action. 

This Regional Conference for Asia is intended to be a major milestone in achieving the FIG vision. The NICS, as an FIG Member Association, will support the achievement of this milestone with reference to the Asia region. The Regional Conference is intended to help meet a range of climate challenges in the region such as greenhouse gas emissions/carbon, biodiversity loss, deforestation and large-scale land use change, urban sprawl into agricultural land, water scarcity, and more, considering the safeguarding of the land rights of vulnerable communities. The event also contributes to the responsibility of FIG towards achieving the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. The expertise of FIG Members in the Asian region means they are well positioned to make a major contribution to addressing a wide range of land and water related climate change challenges. 

Surveyors and land practitioners are in the critical path of the sustainability of the planet because of their work on security of tenure, land governance, geospatial information management, land administration and land management, spatial planning and valuation, BIM and so on. Future generations in the Asia region face an uncertain outlook characterized by an increasingly hostile climate and poorly managed natural disasters. Surveyors and land practitioners in the Asia region, with their critically important skills and knowledge, need to contribute to addressing the climate crisis challenges. The primary aim of this Regional Conference for Asia is to address the pressing challenges posed by climate challenges and disasters and their impacts in the region, with a focus on the vital role of effective land governance and resilience. There is an imperative need to share international and regional knowledge and best practices. The Regional Conference is an opportunity for learning, sharing knowledge, providing practical knowledge and actionable recommendations about how surveyors and land practitioners can address climate and disaster in the region, also for vulnerable communities. This will be done through a focus on 4 thematic areas 1) Climate responsive land governance 2) Natural disaster resilience for communities, professionals and organizations 3) Cooperation and partnerships to safeguard land rights 4) Capacity development for communities, professionals and organizations (see below for more details and the program below).


Climate Responsive Land Governance and Disaster Resilience: Safeguarding Land Rights
  1. Climate Responsive Land Governance
    • Framework for Effective Land Administration (FELA), Innovative land administration approaches, Global land and environmental frameworks
    • Safeguarding land rights of women, youth, vulnerable communities, indigenous people and informal settlers
    • Climate responsive fit-for-purpose land administration (FFPLA), including land use/spatial planning, including through consultative, inclusive, gender responsive and participatory approaches
    • Land and property valuation for risk management, and non-market and ecological purposes (registered and unregistered land and natural accounting)
    • State/public land and buildings management to achieve environmental goals and support vulnerable groups (cities, urban and rural)
  2. Natural disaster resilience for communities, professionals and organizations
    • Disaster resilience to protect security of tenure of women, youth, vulnerable communities, indigenous people and informal settlers
    • Adapting land use planning, land administration systems and SDI/LIS for disaster, including through consultative, inclusive, gender responsive and participatory approaches
    • Using spatial data and technology for climate action planning and assessing disaster vulnerability, risk and tenure insecurity before and after disaster
    • Disaster recovery and reconstruction, including affordable housing and tenure security, participatory slum upgrading, resettlement, food security, infrastructure, risk insurance
  3.  Cooperation and partnerships to safeguard land rights
    • 2030 Agenda and Achieving Sustainable Development Goals together 
    • Regional Cooperation in addressing land-climate nexus issues and disaster management
    • Partnerships across the region, governments, academia, and civil society
  4.  Capacity Development for communities, professionals and organisations
    • Empowering climate and disaster resilient communities 
    • Building professionals capacity for climate action
    • Regional Collaboration and capacity development
    • Strengthening the technical capacity of professionals for climate action and disaster risk reduction
    • Education for Climate Responsive Land Governance and Disaster Resilience hereunder innovations in education for Climate Responsive Land Governance, Innovations in education and research in Disaster Resilience; and Young surveyors in education: Learning styles and methods.

Submit your abstract

If you would like to be part of the technical programme of the conference your can submit an abstract for the conference. Please bear in mind the above four main topic and indicate which of these topics your abstract belongs to.

submit your abstract here

Important deadlines

Deadline for abstract submission 15 July 2024
Notification to authors 1 August 2024
Draft overall programme on the web 20 August
Submission of full papers 1 September - extended to 15 September
Deadline for early bird registration 15 September