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Conference Registration

Click here to register:

I am an International Participant, who wants to register

I am a Student / Young Surveyor, who wants to register

I am a Malaysian Participant, who wants to register*

* Please note: Members of PEJUTA, FIG 2014 Research Group and JUPEM officers will be registered by the PEJUTA secretariat.


Category Early Bird,
on or before
27 February 2014
Normal, from 28 February
to 24 April 2014
Late / Onsite,
from 25 April 2014
Full Registration 630 EUR 700 EUR 790 EUR
Daily Registration 300 EUR 300 EUR 300 EUR
Accompanying Person Registration 150 EUR 150 EUR 150 EUR
Young Professional Registration
(Young surveyors under the age of 35 and who have graduated within 10 years)
350 EUR 350 EUR 350 EUR
Student Registration
(master-, phd students, or professionals graduated within 2 years)
250 EUR 250 EUR 250 EUR


  Full Registration Student Registration Young Surveyor
Day Registration Accompanying Person
All Sessions

(on nominated day)

Welcome Reception,
Monday 16 June 2014
Farewell Reception,
Saturday 21 June 2014

(on nominated day)

Morning and Afternoon
Coffees / teas

(on nominated day)

17-20 June 2014

(on nominated day)

Conference bag    
Entrance to FIG 2014

(on nominated day)

Opening Ceremony  
Young surveyors Conference      
History Symposium
(on nominated day)
Accompanying Person
Full-day Programme,
Wednesday 18 June 2014


FIG and PEJUTA have decided on a special focus on the young surveyors and to give Young Surveyors an outstanding opportunity to participate both in the congress with its variety of sessions and a special Young Surveyors Conference. The Young Surveyors conference will include a tailor made programme aimed at young professionals. For more information, visit

A student is defined as students and graduates under 35, who are either currently studying for a Bachelor, Masters or PhD degree OR who graduated no earlier than 2010.
Young surveyors are defined as surveyors under the age of 35 and who have graduated within 10 years.

To obtain the special registration fee, you are required to pre-registration by filling in the form and send the required documents to

Please note: A copy of your passport and proof of your date of graduation OR proof of your current, full-time enrolment in an education institution is required when you submit your pre-registration form.

You can find the pre-registration form here.


Cancellations must be notified in writing to the FIG Office.

Registration fee's:
  • By March 18, 2014 (90 days or more before the starting day of the conference) – full refund minus administration fee of EUR 50

  • On or after March 19, 2014 up to May 17, 2014 (30 to 89 days before the starting day) – 50% of all payments

  • After May 17, 2014– No refund.

  • Payments are non-refundable after May 17, 2014.

  • Payments are non-refundable after May 17, 2014.

Technical Tours:
  • Payments are non-refundable after May 17, 2014.