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Plenary Sessions and Keynote Speakers

Each day invited international recognized experts will deal with topics within the overall theme of the congress “Engaging the challenges, Enhancing the Relevance”. They will address key challenges of our time within the surveying profession:

Plenary session 1 - Tuesday 17 June 2014

Chair: Prof. Stig Enemark, Honorary President FIG, DdL, Denmark

General Focus:
Humanity faces a series of challenges including that of undernourishment, shelter, climate change and economic progress. These challenges are present and the Profession must engage these challenges with its sciences, technologies, knowledge and practices.

Hon. Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed,
Minister of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia

Mr. Mustapa Mohamed ( born 25th of September 1950 ) is the Minister of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia. He represents Jeli, Kelantan as its Member of Parliament – and was first elected in 1995. He was first sworn in as a Senator in 1991.

A graduate with First Class Honours degree in economics from the University of Melbourne, Australia under the Colombo Scholarship, he attained a Masters in Economic Development from the Boston University, America under the Hubert H.
Humphrey Fellowship. In 1997, he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Commerce by the University of Melbourne, Australia and an Honorary Degree of
Law by the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom in 2005. He was also awarded an Honorary Fellow of the National Institute of Public dministration (INTAN) in 1997.

He was invited to join the Malaysian Cabinet for the first time in 1995 as the Minister of Entrepreneur Development – a new portfolio entrusted to develop
entrepreneurs. He was also appointed as the Finance Minister (II) in 1998. This was a historical appointment as he was the first Malaysian to hold two Ministerial portfolios at the same time. At present, Mustapa is currently helming the Ministry
of International Trade and Industry (MITI) for the second term. The agencies under MITI are Malaysia Industrial Development Authority (MIDA), Malaysia
External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), SME Corporations (SMECorp), Small Medium Enterprises Bank (SME Bank), Halal Industry Corporations (HDC), Malaysia Productivity Corporations (MPC), Malaysia Industrial evelopment Finance (MIDF) and Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI).

Mustapa Mohamed authored several books on Malaysian economic policies and politics. He is married to Khamarzan Ahmed Meah and blessed with 4 children.

Mr. Gregory Scott,
GGIM Advisor, Statistics Division,
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United States

Greg Scott is the UN’s Inter-Regional Advisor on Global Geospatial Information Management for the recently established United Nations initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), an inter-governmental mechanism created by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in July 2011. Greg provides high level strategic policy advice and leadership in the coordination and implementation of UN-GGIM initiatives, particularly with the Member States and related International Organizations involved in national, regional and global geospatial information management. He is responsible for developing the substantive content for the UN-GGIM Committee of Experts, the UN-GGIM High Level Forum's, international technical capacity development workshops, and other international fora.

Greg possesses formal qualifications in cartography and survey mapping, has a Graduate Diploma in Geography from the Australian National University, and has a strong spatial analysis and modelling background.

Dr. Clarissa Agustinus,
Global Land Tool Network, UN-Habitat, Kenya

Clarissa Augustinus is founder and Lead on the Global Land Tool Network, a network of over 60 international partners (2004- to date) and Unit Leader of Land and Global Land Tool Network, UN-Habitat based in Nairobi, Kenya (2003- to date). She is the focal point for urban land in the United Nations system.
Ms. Augustinus holds a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from Rhodes University (South Africa) on the conversion of land from tribal to informal settlement and a change model of Zulu tenure (1995). She is a senior lecturer in the Department of Land Surveying in the School of Engineering, Surveying and Construction at the University of KwaZulu Natal with focus on land management and cadastral reform (1994-2000).
She is involved with a wide range of consultancies at global, regional and country level for a wide range of governments and organisations on range of issues associated with land.
Moreover she is the author of a number of journal publications in pro poor land management.


Plenary session 2 - Wednesday 18 June 2014

Chair: TBA

General Focus:
The Profession has key roles towards the betterment of society, environment and economy and need to attend to emerging issues and trends.

Mr. Paul Munro-Faure,
Deputy Director, Climate, Energy and Tenure Division,
Natural Resources Management and Environment Department,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy

Paul Munro-Faure has led FAO’s tenure team since 2000. He is the Deputy Director of the Climate, Energy and Tenure Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) based in Rome. He has qualifications in land economy, rural planning and land management, with extensive practical experience in the agricultural and urban sectors in the developed market economies, in the transitional economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS, in the Asia/Pacific region and in Africa. He is co-chair of the recently formed FAO Task Force on the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure.

Mr. Keith C. Bell,
The World Bank, Sustainable Development Department Social,
Environment & Rural Development (EASER), East Asia Pacific Region, United States

Mr. Keith Clifford Bell joined the World Bank in 2003 where he leads land programs throughout East Asia. In addition, he works in fragile and conflict states in Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. Prior to the Bank, he worked for more than 25 years in the public and private sectors in Australia. He was the Surveyor-General of the Australian State of Victoria until 2003. Earlier appointments included heading the land information agency in Canberra, national mapping and Secretary to the Australia New Zealand Land Information Council. He is a licensed surveyor and professional engineer and spent his early professional career in the exploration industry, hydrography, port development, railways and land development. In addition he has continued army service comprising full-time, reserve and stand-by service for more than three decades.

Mr. Klaus Deininger,
The World Bank, Sustainable Development Department Social,
Environment & Rural Development (EASER), East Asia Pacific Region, United States

Mr. Klaus Deininger is a Lead Economist in the World Bank’s the Development Economics Group. His work focuses on income and asset inequality, land tenure and governance. In this context, he is involved in design, evaluation, and analysis of innovative programs to secure land rights and improve the functioning of factor markets and productivity all over the world. He published more than 50 journal articles and is the lead author of a number of books, including the report on ‘Rising Global Interest in Farmland’ on global land acquisition and ‘The land governance framework’ and is the lead organizer of the Bank’s Annual Conference on Land and Poverty. He has a Ph.D. in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota, an MA in Agricultural Economics from the University of Berlin, and an MA in theology from the University of Bonn.

Prof. Chris Rizos,
President, International Association of Geodesy (IAG), Australia

Chris Rizos is Professor of Geodesy and Navigation, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Chris is president of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), a member of the Executive and Governing Board of the International GNSS Service (IGS), and co-chair of the Multi-GNSS Asia Steering Committee. Chris is a Fellow of the IAG, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Navigation, a Fellow of the U.S. Institute of Navigation, and an honorary professor of Wuhan University, China. Chris has been researching the technology and applications of GPS since 1985, and is an author/co-author of over 600 journal and conference papers.

Plenary session 3 - Thursday 19 June 2014

Chair: Mr. Robert Foster, Honorary President FIG, NSPS, USA

General Focus:
The Profession has key roles towards the betterment of society, environment and economy and must continue its march to the top, towards professional significance and relevance.


Mr. Ben Elder,
IPMS Coalition, United Kingdom
(Global Launch of the International Property Management Standards)

Ben Elder is responsible for delivery of the RICS Global Valuation Strategy which has a key role to play in securing global financial stability through participation by the RICS in the development and application of International Standards. Ben is well qualified for this role as an Economist and a Chartered Surveyor and he has a particular interest is the interface of the economy and property markets.
Ben’s has been a practising valuer and a respected academic holding senior positions at Nottingham Trent University and The College of Estate Management. In recognition of Ben’s international expertise Ben has been appointed to The Global Advisory Forum for The Appraisal Foundation in the USA as well as the Advisory Forum Executive to the International Valuation Standards Council and is a co-opted executive to the United Nations ECE Real Estate Management Advisory Group.


Mr. Jean-Yves Pirlot,
President, Comité de Liaison des Géomètres Européens (CLGE), Belgium

Jean-Yves Pirlot is since September 2011 Co-Chair of the Standing Committee on Geographic Information in Antarctica (part of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. Since April 2011, Chair of the Working Group of the Mapping and Cadastral Agencies of the Grande Région (composed by following regions: Grand Duché de Luxembourg, Saarland, Rheinland Pfalz, Wallonie). Since October 2010, President of the Ordre Belge des Géomètres-Experts asbl (OBGE asbl). Since September 2010, President of the Council of European Surveyors (CLGE). Since June 2010, President of AM/FM-GIS BELUX aisbl. Since June 2009, Board Member of Euromut, a Belgian Health Insurance Company and since January 2009, president of the Belgian Union of Land surveyors (Union belge des Géomètres-Experts - UBG).
From 1989 to 1991Jean-Yves was a Geodetic Surveyor. From 1998 to 2000, Diplôme inter-universitaire d’études spécialisées (DES) en cartographie et télédétection (Université libre de Bruxelles, Université de Liège, Université catholique de Louvain) – i.e. a master in Cartography and Remote Sensing. From 2008 to 2010: Executive Master in Public Management (EMMP – Solvay, Business School, Brussels).

Mr. Ahmad Fauzi Nordin,
Director General, Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia

Mr. Ahmad Fauzi Nordin is currently the Director-General of the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia. He is a qualified land surveyor who additionally serves as the Chairman of the Licensed Land Surveyors Board, Malaysia.He has experiences in both cadastral survey and mapping systems, serving in various capacities in both areas during his more than 34 years tenure with the Department of Survey and Mapping, Malaysia. He is also a Past President and Fellow of the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) as well as the current Vice Chair of Working Group 3 of the Regional Committee of the United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific (RC-UNGGIM-AP).

Plenary session 4 - Friday 20 June 2014

Chair: Mr. Mohamad Azmi Mohd Zin, President AALSM, Malaysia

General Focus:
On the horizon is the Post-2015 Development Agenda, the successor to the Millennium Development Goals. The session will consider Professional responsibilities, information management, the land and the seas will lead humanity towards “Realizing the Future We Want for All”.


Dr. Vanessa Lawrence,
Co-Chair UN-GGIM, Ordnance Survey International, United Kingdom

Dr Vanessa Lawrence CB, HonFREng, FRGS, FRICS, FCInstCES, CCMI, CGeog, is the Secretary General of Ordnance Survey International, which is the international part of Great Britain’s national mapping authority. Vanessa was, from 2000 to 2014, the Director General and Chief Executive of Ordnance Survey and the adviser to the British Government on mapping, surveying and geographic information. She was the longest-serving Director General since 1875 and she was the first woman to hold the post.
Dr Lawrence received her business training from the publishing company Pearson plc. and then moved to developing, for Pearson, a successful start-up new technology business; prior to joining Ordnance Survey in September 2000, she held senior positions with international software company Autodesk Inc.
In the New Year’s Honours of 2008 she was appointed by Her Majesty the Queen as a Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath (CB).
Among her many external positions, she is currently the Co-Chair of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management, the Honorary Vice-President of The Geographical Association and a member of the Council of the Royal Geographical Society, the Honorary Colonel of 135 Independent Geographic Squadron, Royal Engineers as well as being a Visiting Professor at the University of Southampton and at Kingston University.

Mr. Mustapha Iptes,
Director, International Hydrographic Organization, Monaco

Rear Admiral (Ret) Mustafa IPTES (Oceanography BS, National Recourse Strategy MSc) served 30 years and retired from the Turkish Navy in 2011. In the last two decades, he has actively been involved in the maritime safety/security/policy and research activities, as well as hydrography, oceanography, marine environment. He served as Hydrographer of Turkey (Director of Turkish Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography Office) between 2006-2010 and the Chairman of the Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC) between 2009-2010. RAdm. IPTES was elected as the Director in 2012 and he has currently served as Director of the IHO.

  Mr. Donovan Storey, Chief, Social, Policy and Population Section, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Thailand (invited)

Donovan Storey is chief of social policy and population, Social Development Division, UNESCAP. His responsibilities lie in programs on social protection, migration, population, and aging. He was previously an academic specializing in development management, social development and urban governance at the University of Queensland, Australia. Prior to this position, he worked in New Zealand and Fiji as a development specialist focusing on the Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia. Mr. Storey obtained a Ph.D. in development studies in New Zealand.