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First FIG Young Surveyors Conference:
Knowing to create the future

4-5 May 2012 - Palazzo Corrodi Cassa Geometri
(Cassa Italiana Di Previdenza Ed Assistenza Dei Geometri Liberi Professionisti)

4, Lungo Tevere Arnaldo Da Brescia, 00196, Roma, Italia


Programme of the Young Surveyors Conference
Template for PowerPoint presentation.
Submite your abstract to the Young Surveyors Conference now at: - Deadline for abstract submission has passed 19 March 2012
Conference announcement as a .pdf file.


International Federation of Surveyors, FIG ( will organise the First FIG Young Surveyors’ Conference ( in conjunction with the FIG Working Week in Rome, Italy in May. The Young Surveyors Conference will be held 4-5 May 2012 - immediately preceding the FIG Working Week - at the Cassa Geometri in central Rome. The FIG Working Week ( will be held at the Rome Cavalieri Hotel from 6-10 May 2012.

The aim of the Young Surveyors Conference is to create a platform for young surveying professionals to network and discuss issues of common interest. In addition it will:

  • Provide attendees with a reduced registration cost to the full Working Week to increase the attendance of young surveyors, particularly young professionals, at the FIG Working Week;
  • Increase the participation of young surveyors in the FIG Commissions;
  • Provide young surveyors with the opportunity to have a say in the future of the profession and the FIG;
  • Offer a more informal platform for presenting than at traditional conference; and
  • Provide an introduction to the full Working Week to all young surveyors to get the best FIG experience possible.

Who should attend?

The conference is aimed for young surveying professions aged 35 years or younger including undergraduate and postgraduate students. Due to the size of the venue, the number of participants is limited to 150. Half of the registrations will be reserved for participants nominated by FIG member associations.

The FIG member associations have committed to and are encouraged to send their young members to this conference, the first of its kind. The member associations are also encouraged to financially support their representatives to attend the conference by paying travel expenses, accommodation and registration fee. Decision on the level of support will be decided by the individual member associations.

The FIG Foundation has awarded four fellowships to young surveyors from developing countries to attend the conference and full Working Week. A limited number of additional grants including complimentary registration to the conference may be provided by the organisers and will be decided based on applications.

FIG and CNGeGL encourage young professionals from private and public sectors as well as from universities to attend. FIG Commission Chairs and other officers are expected to attend the conference. Professors supervising students who will be presenting may be allowed to attend, pending demand and space available.

Format of the conference

The conference will be a two-day event including an opening session, joint plenary sessions and forums and breakout sessions in smaller groups that will allow for more focussed and detailed discussions. The sessions will consist of presentations and forums to generate debate and activate exchange of ideas, more than at ordinary conferences.

Presentations will be selected from an open call for papers. The joint sessions will consist of invited papers that will focus on more generic topics relevant to young professionals in the beginning of their career.

Both academic and practical papers are invited. The topics of the papers can cover all ten professional commissions of FIG ( For the topics please have a look on the topics that are discussed in the commissions at the Working Week in Rome ( Preference will be given to papers that are linked to young professionals, developing the profession, professional qualifications etc. in different fields of surveying. Proposals for presentations shall be submitted online on a dedicated web site:


The registration fee is 100 EUR for young professionals and 200 EUR for mentors. The registration fee includes lunches, coffees and two evening functions.

For accommodation to participants of the Young Surveyors Conference (under 35 years only)  please write to  and Triumph Group will do their best in order to find the cheapest solution for your stay in Rome. CNGeGL will sponsor 68 EUR  VAT included (per night) for maximum three nights arrival 3 May and departure 6 May 2012. This special rate is available only after confirmation of registration to the Young Surveyors Conference so please register first and book the hotel first after you have got confirmation.

Please note that all young surveyor participants of the conference will be eligible for students registration to the FIG Working Week (150 EUR) even if they do not otherwise qualify as students. So for 250 EUR young surveyors can attend both the Young Surveyors Conference and the FIG Working Week.

Register now at:

Conference outcome

Conference presentations will be published permanently on the FIG web site as conference proceedings and will be included in the FIG Reference Library.

The aim is to develop as conclusion of the conference a Vision for the Future of the Young Surveyors Conference and to provide each FIG Commission with a work plan on how best to integrate young professionals in the work of FIG. These visions will be presented in a special session of the Working Week (and/or each ‘vision’ to be presented at the Commission sessions).


The Platinum Sponsors of FIG Working Week 2012: Trimble Navigation, ESRI and Consiglio Nazionale Geometri e Geometri Laureati CNGeGL) as well as Cassa Geometri are the main sponsors of the Young Surveyors Conference. The organisers are also looking for additional sponsors to support the conference.

Technical Programme

The conference is a combination of invited papers and papers from the open call for papers (suggested by Commission Chairs or FIG Young Surveyors Network. In technical sessions the number of papers is limited to maximise the time for discussion. In forum sessions only short introductionary presentations will be allowed. All papers will be available to all participants prior to the conference, allowing young surveyors to prepare for discussion.

See technical programme.