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IAG/FIG Commission 5/ICG Technical Seminar Reference Frame in Practice

4-5 May 2012, Sala Consiglio, Cassa Geometri, Palazzo Corrodi
Cassa Geometri (Cassa Italiana Di Previdenza Ed Assistenza Dei Geometri Liberi Professionisti)
4, Lungo Tevere Arnaldo Da Brescia, 00196, Roma, Italia

Programme as a .pdf file - 20 April 2012
Template for PowerPoint presentation
Announcement to seminar as a .pdf file.


IAG, (International Association of Geodesy), FIG (Fédération Internationale des Géomètres) and ICG (International Committee on GNSS)

Who should attend

This seminar is seeking operational geodesists or surveyors who are working with reference frame issues either in a government or commercial based environment. It is also open to academics that have either a post-graduate or Masters degree in a surveying or related discipline.


It is anticipated that distinguished geodesists from different organisations and disciplines will provide attendees with informative presentations and material. Already presenters as Chris Rizos, Zuheir Altamimi, Ruth Neilan, Michael Sideris, Joao Torres, John Dawson, and Graeme Blick have indicated their provisional support for this event.

Preliminary Seminar Program

4th May 2012
  • The Role of Geodesy– GGOS and Future Trends
  • Global Terrestrial Reference Systems and Frames
  • Regional and National reference systems
  • IGS services and other initiatives
5th May 2012
  • Four dimensional deformation models for Terrestrial Reference Frames¨
  • Gravity and WHS
  • Worked examples of Terrestrial Reference Frame realisations
  • Multi GNSS Environment
  • Standards and Traceability of a Terrestrial Reference Frames / GNSS


100 EUR. The fee is kept to a minimum to cover seminar costs, and will include seminar material, morning and afternoon teas, lunches and seminar dinner.

Registration and Payment

The number of participants will be restricted to 30. Therefore early registration of your interest and subsequent payment is highly recommended. Your registration of interest will need to provide your name, title, occupation, organisation that you will be representing, and full contact details (email address, postal address and telephone numbers). Also, please provide a brief summary of your reasons for wanting to attend this seminar. Registration of interest will need to be emailed to Mikael Lilje ( and Rob Sarib ( as soon as possible, not later than 29 February 2012 Participants will then be notified mid-March to register and pay the registration fee. For logistic reasons no late payments will be accepted. Last day for registration will be 4 April 2012.

Please note, if the registration of interest exceeds the limit then organisers will reserve the right to adjudicate on who can participate.

UNOOSA are kindly providing financial assistance for eligible participants and preference will be given to participants from developing countries. The financial assistant will only cover travel costs (air fare), and will not include other travel costs such as accommodation, travelling allowance for food / beverages etc. The organisers together with UNOOSA will decide on who will be sponsored. When registering your interest to participate, please provide a business case as to why you should be given UNOOSA financial assistant as well as the approximate estimate of the amount you are seeking.

More Information